The Freshman love the Sophomore (15)

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Summer has been awesome.
Carson got his license and can drive us all around town. We usually go out on Thursdays- our new official date night- to a movie or dinner.
Laura and Bryson confessed that they like each other again and are now a couple. Carson and I were both wrong. They’ve been dating all summer and are really close- possibly closer than Carson and I but we don’t exactly know how far they’ve gone yet.
Cal's been coming over a lot and Samantha has a crush on him. It's kind of cute how she adores him so much. She always wants to play house with him. She has to be the mom and he has to be the dad. Sometimes she’ll ask him to play dress up with her too just so she can see his abs. Samantha has good taste in boys- I would know because I taught her what’s hot and what’s not.
Little baby Jackson is growing up so fast. He's a big baby now. He has teeth and is crawling and is into everything. He likes sitting with Carson and I outside while we eat popsicles. Sometimes, I secretly give him a lick of mine too. It’s out little secret.
Dad and Marina are happily in love. They gave their master bedroom a make-over over the summer and I think it looks like a room straight from a magazine. It really looks amazing!
We haven't heard from mom in forever and we don't plan on getting in touch with her. She’s totally out of the picture now and everyone seems fine with that!
For the fourth of July, my family and Carson's family rented a cabin and stayed in the mountains for about five days. Laura and I went for a hike in the woods to talk for a bit while Carson and Bryson fished for our dinner. They didn’t catch much. Samantha found a cat hanging around one of the general stores and befriended it. She named him Alfred and we took him home.
August came quick. Bryson and Laura prepared to be freshmen, I prepared to be a sophomore, and Carson prepared to become a junior.
Things are shaping up for us. Everything is going great. Carson and I are happier than ever and Laura and Bryson are as cute as can be. We're all excited- but also nervous- for the up and coming school year.
I feel like many surprises are going to be coming our way. And I'm totally ready for them.
But I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

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