The Freshman loves the Sophomore (3)

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My alarm clock woke me up the next morning.
Today's my first day of high school.
I jumped out of bed and took a shower.
Then I got dressed. It took me a while to figure out what exactly I was wearing but I finally figured it out. I decided to wear a plain black v-neck shirt, jean shorts, and red Vans.
Then I brushed my hair, blow dried it, and straightened it.
"Hey, Dad." I said walking into the kitchen.
"Hey, Sophie." He said."Are you ready for your first day?"
I nodded. "Yeah." I smiled as I talked. "I can't wait."
"Well, I have to leave early for a meeting, so, good luck." Dad kissed my cheek and ran out the door.
Bryson came down the hall. "Hey, sis." He said. "Are we leaving soon?"
"Amelia and Bob wanted us next door at 7:10-ish." I replied. "We should go soon."
Bryson agreed. "I'll go get Samantha."
He brought Samantha into the kitchen and I helped her get ready for school.
"We should go." I said as we walked across the yard to Laura's house. "It's Bryson's first day of 8th grade and Samantha's first day of fourth grade. Where has the time gone!?"
"And it's Sophie's first day of high school." A familiar voice said. It was Carson. "Hey guys."
Bryson did the bro nod. "Hey man."
"Are you nervous, Sophie?" Carson asked.
I shrugged. "Not really. Should I be?"
"Yes." He replied with a smirk on his face.
"Why?" I asked.
Carson laughed. "You’re fresh meat." He explained. "You’re going to be targeted by everyone."
"So?" I rolled my eyes. “I can fight them off.”
"I warned you." Carson got in the car. "Now, get in."
I waited for Samantha to get in the car and then I got in after her. Seconds later, Laura came out of the house and got in the car.
"Hey." Laura greeted us all.
"Hey." I said back excitedly.
We all chatted for a while on the way to school. Amelia was driving. She dropped Samantha off at the elementary school first. Then she took Bryson and Laura to the middle school. Finally she pulled into the high school parking lot.
"Bye guys." Amelia said. "Have a good first day."
"Bye." I waved as I got out of the car.
Carson said nothing.
Once Amelia drove away he pulled me aside.
"Listen, Sophie, we don't talk to each other and we act like we don't know each other. You don't talk to my friends and I don't talk to yours. Got it?" He said.
I nodded. "Sure, Carson. But why?”
"I'll tell you later." He said and walked away.
I took a breath then walked into the building. It was bigger and busier than I thought it would be.
I quickly found my locker, got my things, and went to class.
When I got to class I sat down in the back.
Someone tapped my shoulder. "Hi." They said. "I'm Kathy."
"Hi, Kathy." I said in a not-too-excited tone.
This girl was really smiley.
"What's your name?" She asked immediately.
I faked a small smiled. "Sophie."
"Oh! I like that name!" Kathy was starting to scare me. "Do you want to be friends?"
What do I say? No, you’re a freak? That's too harsh. Come on, Sophie.
"Um, I'm fine. Thanks." I said. Then I turned around.
My first day went well. I made a few friends. Several in particular stood out- Lena, Amanda, Stephen, and Cal. So far, things were going good.
Amelia picked up Carson and I from school last. Then she drove us home.
Bryson and Samantha had a good time too.
I let us in the house and Bryson and I each went to our rooms. Samantha stayed in the living room and watched TV.
Later that night I called Carson.
"What, Sophie?" He answered.
"Well, that's just a great way to answer the phone!" I said sarcastically.
Carson growled into the phone. "What?"
"Are you going to tell me why?" I asked.
"No." He said.
"Come on!" I argued playfully.
Carson was quiet for a moment. "Fine."
"Tell me." I demanded.
I heard him breathing. "I don't want people thinking I'm friends with you. At this school, cliques don't mix. And people from different grades aren't friends. So just don't bother me."
"Whatever!" I exclaimed.
Then I hung up.
Carson called me back.
"What Carson?" I shouted into the phone.
"That's a great way to answer the phone." Carson repeated the words that I had just used minutes ago and mocked me with them.
I giggled. "That's not funny."
"Then why are we both laughing?" He asked.
We both laughed even more.
"I have to go." I said.
"Bye." Carson said in a sad-ish tone.
Then we hung up for good.
I put my phone on the table and turned on my TV.
Dad walked in. "How was your day?"
"Good." I replied. "I made friends."
I told dad all about my day and then went to sleep.
All I could think about was Carson. Did I really like him? Did he like me? Could we be together one day?

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