Chapter 7

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It was now day 3 in LA and after today we had 4 days left. I sat up in bed and Kirstie was already awake.

"What time are we meeting Austin?" I asked.

"I'm not sure actually, I will text him." She replied. Just then the doorbell rang. Me and Kirstie were still in our pyjamas so Kirstie's mum went to the door. We heard her say "They are in their room go through,"

I shot a quick look at Kirstie and she didn't know who it was either. Suddenly, there was a knock at the bedroom door. "Come in," I called. Claire then strolled through the door with a big smile on her face.

"Why are you so happy?" Kirstie asked joyfully.

"I don't know I just had the best sleep ever and now I am so happy," We all laughed and me and Kirstie got up and dressed.


Austin text me saying that he would be here in an hour. The three of us girls were ready to go out so we decide to just sit, relax and talk.

We were having such a laugh just us girls and out of no where Claire said "So Kirstie, how was lat night with Austin?" I smiled and simply replied "Amazing," we talked some more and the hour quickly passed.

Soon enough the doorbell rung. I went to answer the door and Austin stood there smiling. I let him in and he looked round the corner to see if we were out of sight of the others. We were. Austin let down and kissed me passionately. I don't think I could ever get used to how amazing his kisses were. I pulled back and we went through to the others.

"I have an interview today are you girls coming?" Austin asked. We all agreed and we went off to the interview.

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