Chapter 2

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Me and Emily waited for Austin to answer the door. We didn't have to wait long and he stood infront of us smiling.

His smile was unreal. It wa amazing and it made my knees go weak.

"Hey girls, come in." He said then stepped to one sude to let us in. "So, I have a meet and greet tonight and wondered if you wanted to come? My best friend Claire is coming too." He said. "We would love to," Emily said. "Good, well it doesn't start for a couple of hours so I was just going to chill here for a bit." He said. "Is the house okay?" He asked. "It's beautiful!" Kirstie said.


The doorbell rang and Austin went to get it. "Hey!" he said. Me and Kirstie were sanding in his living room talking when Austin came back and he had a girl standing with him. "Claire, this is Kirstie, and this is Emily." Austin said introducing us all. Claire gave us both hugs and she was really nice.

We all sat down on the sofas and me and Kirstie sat together while Austin was sitting with Claire. We were all joking around when Austin said "I need a drink, does anyone else want one?" We all said yes and Austin asked Kirstie to help him.


I went with Austin and I could hear Emily and Claire laughing. "So, how long have you known Claire?" I asked him. "Since we moved here. She was my first friend here and we have been best friends since." He replied. "That's cute." I said. "What about you and Emily?" He asked. "Since our first day at high school." I told him. He laughed and said "That's cute too. Will you grab some cups," while pointing to the cupboard. I nodded and grabbed four cups.

As I passed them to Austin our hands met but he didn't pull his hand off. I smiled an looked down. I removed my hand and he made the drinks.

We walked back into the living room laughing and Claire and Emily were looking at us. Austin handed out the drinks and went to sit beside Claire again.

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