Part 5

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October 1,3016

I'm sorry. My's ...gone and, I don't know what to do. Mark tells me that we can stay at his place as long as we need but honestly, I feel like him helping me, is going to ruin his life at school. Speaking of school I have to go tomorrow but I haven't showered or even changed in I don't know how long. I'm pretty sure about 1-2 weeks. Mark showed me where Haylee and I can sleep, and it wasn't until then that I realized how BIG his house is! I was like,

"Wow your house is huge."

"It always feels too big."

"Huh. Anyway what are we going to do about school? I mean NEITHER of us can just walk in after, like, four weeks of not being at school and expect them to just shake it off."

"That's true and the doctors note that we had from when you fell out of the tree got incinerated. Why WERE you in a tree anyway? I guess I understand why you ran off and I get that, but why climb a tree?

"It's complicated."

"I understand, say no more. Unless you want to of course." And then he waggled his eyebrows like a worm and I actually giggled. I haven't giggled since my dad was alive. He would chase me, Haylee and Caleb around the house and when he caught one of us he would just keep tickling us. And It wasn't until I had slapped my hands over my mouth, giggled some more and told Mark what my dad used to do, that I saw the sparkle forming in his eyes. I knew that sparkle. My dad always did that when he was about to chase us. The moment I saw it, I started running as fast as my legs would carry me. I had taken a wrong turn and ended up in a dead end hallway. He came around the corner and poked his fingers into my sides. I started laughing so hard that I was crying. When I noticed the sparkle I was talking.

"- so that's why I covered my face"

"(snicker) Ok."

" Wait... NOOOOO!" I said as I ran off.

October 2,3016

We were getting ready for school when I remembered that my bag and all of my school textbooks where in the house when it had caught fire. I was like,

"Well crap."

"What?" He asked. I simply gestured to my back that very obviously had no backpack on it.

"Oh. Well what did you have in it?"

"Hmmm I don't know maybe all of my school textbooks."

"Well crap." He said. Exactly.

We got into his car and rode to school, and just his luck all the jocks were outside watching for cars, more specifically, this car.

When they saw the car they all ran up and I quickly put up the hood of the sweatshirt Mark let me use. I thought they wouldn't bother and just pretend I wasn't there but no such luck.

"Who 'ya got in the car with 'ya Mark? One of them asked.

"'Ya got a girl?" Said another.

"No, so back off." Mark said

"Ohhhhh, somebody's gettin mad!" Said the same guy.

"Hang on." Mark muttered through his teeth to me. Right after he said that he floored on the gas.

October 3,3016

I'm. Freaking. Out! Mark was driving off from the guys when the car hit a huge rock in the parking lot. The car jerked to a stop and, believe it or not, my seatbelt, snapped. As if it could not get any worse, the car crashed into a street light pole. I jerked forward and hit my head on the glass. The guys were still where they were but when they saw that the car had crashed, they ran over to help. I could see stars. I know I know "She's going to the hospital again?". No actually, they dragged Mark out of the car and he was ok, so he ran over to help me. Wow this seems like a really weird life. Eh. Anyway, I had a gash on my leg, and it hurt. We went to the nurse, she saw my leg and called the ambulance, yada yada yada. I'm in a cast but also a freaking wheelchair! Haha, I've gotten hurt so much that they no longer trust me on my own two feet. Great.

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