Part 2

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August 26,3016

I'm in class and in the hallways pretty much everyone was glaring at me. It was awkward and I have a feeling that they know something about me that I don't want them to know. Oh message! Kids again.

Hi Annie are you getting my messages?

From Rylie

Ok I'm getting really mad at Rylie. I'm sending her this

Rylie, Don't EVER call me Annie! Ever!

I feel like I should write more but I already sent it. Anyway I'm going to get some sleep.

August 27,3016

I swear there is some kind of rumor going on because everyone is acting strange around me and before math class this one kid, Mark. He's a jock and I have always had a huge crush on him but he has never known. He has short dark brown hair, the same color as mine, and midnight blue eyes. Anyway he cornered me at my locker and asked me very rudely if I had threatened his girlfriend and I thought

"Oh $h!t !" Because I had completely forgotten that Rylie was Mark's' girlfriend and that's why I've always hated her. And I hadn't even heard him because all I was thinking about was how close he was to me. In fact he was so close I could have leaned forward and kissed him. I was actually about to when Rylie came up behind him and told him to chill out because I was just emotional and sensitive. She has light brown hair with a pink streak and dark brown eyes almost black. He did back off but shoved me to the ground and kicked my backpack first. As if it couldn't get any worse I had already unzipped my backpack when he came up because I was getting my math notebook and my Station slid across the hallway and all my books went flying. Including my book on how to get a boyfriend. Yeah I'm that desperate. And you can just guess what the huge crowd of people that had formed did. If you're thinking that they helped me pick up my books and went on with their lives, you're super wrong. And if that answer is wrong then obviously they picked up my books threw them around until one person had to be a smart @$$ and mention that the book he was holding was on how to get a boyfriend. Thankfully Abby, she is one of the cheerleaders and she has beautiful long brown hair with blonde streaks in it and baby blue eyes, snatched the book from his hand, grabbed my bag, shoved it inside and held her hand out to me. I took it out of desperation to get away from the jocks, and she began picking up the rest of my books and I just stood there dumbfounded. Next thing I know she hands me my backpack and I'm once again alone in the hallway. I'm still trying to process what just happened when the tardy bell rang.

August 28, 3016

Today at lunch everyone kept looking at me then back at their table and the whole table would start laughing. Every time I went to my locker at least one of the jocks would walk by and shove me to the ground. At PE we had to attend the mandatory football game. Well that turned out great for me. I had to sit on the bottom row of the bleachers because no one would let me sit anywhere else, and when the game started there was a jock directly in front of me on the other side of the fence and he faked out from the ball on purpose just so that it would hit me in the face. I got kicked off of the bleachers by one of the cheerleaders and I couldn't see anything. The somewhat nice people were still keeping their distance but asking if I was ok but I couldn't respond. The coach yelled that I was fine from across the field and that the game would continue. Once again Abby came to my rescue. She didn't talk to me, just helped me up and walked me to the nurse. In a very quiet voice she told the nurse what had happened and the nursed asked me what my moms phone number was, and since I could not answer Abby grabbed my phone from my pocket and put my finger to the button to unlock it. She opened the contacts app on my phone to find that there were none. He told Abby to go back to class and I ended up on the bed. Moments later I couldn't even hear anything. When I woke up I was in the hospital but I just passed back out. When I woke up again I was back at my house.

September 6, 3016

I still don't understand what happened. I haven't been to school for a week and I'm back today. I don't know what I did. All I did was tell Rylie not to call me Annie. And this morning when I was walking to school, I passed Mark's house, and he walked out right as I passed. We both looked at one another at the same time and I caught his eye for a split second but that was all I needed to see the emotion in his eyes. Guilt, Sympathy, and oddly, Longing. That last one I didn't understand at all. Until I caught him staring at me multiple times during classes. Last class though, when I caught him staring, he didn't look away. I don't know how long I held his gaze but the next thing I knew the bell rang and he stood to retrieve his stuff. Considering my broken arm on one side and finger on the other, surprise, surprise, I kept dropping stuff. And guess who was brave enough to come within 5 feet of me? Mark. He's the only jock that's not pushing me around now even though he was the first. I can tell and he knows I can, that something in him has changed, something important.

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