Part 3

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September 7, 3016

Weird things are still happening to me. But I've caught Mark staring at me more than once and Rylie has been giving me the death glare. I'll say more after class.

Okay so I'm back from class and I'm hiding in the props room in the theater classroom and no one has noticed me yet. But I guess I'm just pretty lucky because I've tripped multiple times and fortunately the teacher was not in the room at any of those times. I feel like I'm about to cry but I'm trying to tough it out until the end of this class so that I can leave class unnoticed because everyone has been laughing at me because there are rumors going around that I have a crush on Mark. It's funny because when I was in elementary school, everyone would tease Mark about having a crush on me. But to be fair, that was before people were calling me a freak. I'm going to the bathroom so I can be alone so I will say more after I get there. Ok I'm here and I've been bawling my eyes out for the past 20 minutes.

I guess I should get to lunch because it is 12:30 and if I don't go people will notice that I am missing and that will just cause more problems. I have enough problems as it is. Anyway I'm going to go to lunch. Oh My GOD! Ok so I was walking to the bathroom and the jocks come up to me and shove me hard (obviously) but to everyone's surprise (including me) Mark comes up to the front of the crowd, helps me up, tells his friends to back off, and walks away. I was walking home from school and ran into Mark again. I thanked him for helping me but he just mumbled for me to forget it and ran off, well not ran but you know what I mean.

Back in elementary school I was actually the most beautiful and popular girl at school. That was until everyone found out about my family. I still don't know how but why does it matter? I can't just go back to being popular. Anyway I'm going to sleep. Good Night.

September 8, 3016

I've been thinking about the things that Mark has done and said, and it is pretty obvious that something about him has changed. And I'm determined to find out what. When I went to school today I noticed something in Mark that was not there yesterday. He seemed somewhat, I don't know, broken. And I don't like it. It's like he's been abused. I don't know, he used to always be playing football or just hanging out with his friends. But lately he's been staying by himself. It just doesn't seem right. I want to fix it. And tomorrow I plan to at least try.

September 9,3016

I got a message from that guy again, Dr.Yeshalkavits. He makes no sense to me.

Dear Annabella,

I be help of you. We protect. You savior. You god.

Sincerely, Dr.Yeshalkavits

It's like he's talking like a caveman, me talky talky. Wow, I'm definitely blocking him. I saw Mark,or should I say he saw me. Yeah that probably sounds creepy. Eh. Doesn't matter. Anyway I was walking through the graveyard out in the field that was made secretly for my dad, when out of nowhere I felt a large hand on my shoulder. I turned realizing that hot tears had been running down my cheeks but not caring. It was Mark. I shrug his hand off of my shoulder and ran.

September 10, 3016

I was still in the woods when I woke up. I couldn't get up. I did remember getting up in the tree after running from Mark. Mark. How did he know? It doesn't matter. Anyway there were so many broken leaves and branches that I assumed that I fell out of the tree. My back and my neck hurt and when I tried to move at all it really hurt. I didn't even know how I was awake at that moment. I'm scared. I mean I don't have anyone who cares about me so who will help me? No one. I'm starting to cry because it hurts. MAnd I need someone honestly I don't care who because I feel like I'm going to pass out.

September 11,3016

I don't know where I am. I know I passed out yesterday but I'm not in the woods anymore. I'm terrified of where I should go. There's sounds of footsteps behind me, but I try to ignore it. I walk forward, but after a while, I realize I'm walking in circles. And then I realize that I'm not moving at all. What is going on?

September 12,3016

Apparently I was in the hospital with a broken collarbone and backbone and guess who brought me here? If you guessed Mark, you are right(although obviously you did because, well, I'm the only one who will ever read this so....). I haven't seen him once in the 2 weeks that I've been here. I have a cast that goes from my chin to my bellybutton and it is very uncomfortable. But I can't believe who the doctor is; Dr.Yeshalkavits. Yep, creepy caveman guy. He doesn't actually talk like a caveman though. He keeps saying that he will help me but I don't get it. He just told me I have someone who wants to see me. Who would that be? I mean I have no friends and technically no family. I will write more soon.

September 13,3016

I saw Mark yesterday. I'm still in the hospital. I just woke up and Mark is sleeping in a chair across the room. I'm trying to write quietly so I don't wake him. I only have a brace on my back now but I still have a cast on my neck. It's really uncomfortable.

September 13,3016

I stopped writing because the doctor came in and Mark woke up. I just realized, why did they let me keep my diary? Oh the doctor. Yeah he says I'm special. Not in that way. What did I just write? Eh anyway Mark is always here. I looked at my phone and the school has called me millions of times. I looked over at Mark and I can see worry in his eyes. It's strange because all he has ever done is bully me so why does he even care? Does he know that all of my family is dead? I hope so because I do not want to have to tell him.

September 14,3016

I'm supposed to get my neck cast changed to a brace and my back brace taken off. Mark is here and I want to tell him that he can go home but I can't talk so I have to write it down and he keeps telling me that he just wants to stay with me and make sure I am ok. This feels strange because no one has ever cared about me.

September 15,3016

Today I get out of the hospital even though I'm still in a neck brace. Mark is still here. I've finally been able to get up and move, but the first time I learned that I had also broken my leg but, it is fine now. Anyway they are discharging me from the hospital now.

September 15,3016

I'm back at my house. When I walked in the door Haylee came running up and tried to jump into my my arms like she does everyday when I come home from school. She was crying and screaming my name. I was starting to cry myself, because I remembered that she was there when the others died and in her little mind it probably registered as I was dead. She was about to jump when she saw the brace and all of my bruises. When she saw them she hugged my legs gently but with so much love that I had started bawling. I know it seems stupid but I mean remembering the look of, I don't even know, It's just way more than love, relief, gentleness,gratefulness and pretty much everything mentioned as kindness and love in the bible combined can describe in a five year old's tiny ice blue eyes.

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