My Demons

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Chapter 12

Arabella's POV

I'm not entirely sure how far I ran or how long I ran. All I know is that I should be exhausted, when I'm not. Not even close. Cloud has stayed silently the entire time and my eyes are burning bright with red.

I've noticed my wolf change appearance too.

No longer is she that beautiful white color I used to love so much. Now she's midnight black with those same haunting, red eyes.

All I could hear was my paws hitting the ground and the wind flowing through my fur.

This isn't right.. Cloud muttered, and I could tell she was pissed with me.

It doesn't matter what you think. I growled. I'm in charge.

And that's an awful mistake. She bit back, venom dripping off her words.

Shut the hell up little mutt. I growled, my eyes brightening with every word.

No, you shut up you asshole. You left our mate and family at home! Our responsibilities just to kill one little girl! She howled in anger, her eyes now turning red.

You told me to leave. Don't you dare blame me. I hissed. You don't understand anything do you? Goddess you're so stupid! I have to do this! Tears gathered in my eyes, blurring my vision which forced me to slow down and let out a painful howl. I don't have a choice Cloud!

You always have a choice Arabella. You're just weak so you gave in. I'm not going to give in that easily. Cloud said softly, now trying to talk some sense into me.

You don't understand. Was all I could say before blocking her out of my head.

1 year later (sorry!)

I was close to her, I could feel it. I could sense her and goddess was she strong. My fur was now all mangled, my eyes a deep red. Cloud hasn't spoken to me since our fight.

I slowed down my pace, stopping by a river to drink some water.

It was too late to go back now, I traveled all the way down into South America, running towards the very edge of Brazil.

My mate is constantly on my mind, but I can't bring myself to mind-link him. He probably has moved on and taken over Alpha. Or Weston did..

That doesn't matter.

This right here is my job.

After killing a squirrel and eating it, I made my way through the trees until came to a halt. I could smell the boundaries and goddess am I close. I could see other wolves guarding the perimeter, I mean it was in the middle of the day so of course they'd be guarding right now. I'll wait till nightfall to sneak in.

Axton's POV

The day after Arabella left a small group, including me, followed her scent. We've made it to Mexico so far, I can't believe how far she's traveled to do this.

The group that went after her is me, Weston, Colby, Juno, Tristen, Addison, Reef, and we got Luna Nevaeh to come with also.

If anyone can talk sense into Ara, it's her mother.

I haven't eaten much, I drink when I can, but my mind is always on her. I've tried to mindlink her and one time I was successful, but I could only contact Cloud. Her wolf. She told me they were heading towards the edge of Brazil on the coast towards the girl that Ara had the need to kill. Then the block went up.

It gave me hope.

Maybe, just maybe we could save my princess. My babygirl. I love her no matter what.

I'm not even going to think about what happens if we can't get to her.. it's too hurtful to think of. Either she'd murder the little girl, or she'd be dead.

Both are awful.

Thank goddess I know Arabella is still alive, I can sense her periodically. All of her emotions sometimes I can feel. She has so much confusion and anger in her system it's scary.

She doesn't even know the kid.

Her grandfather took everything she's ever known and twisted it into a knot. Making her so so lost and confused. She doesn't know what's right anymore.

I still remember the first time I met her.


"Axton." Addison murmured. Pulling me towards her older sisters room. "Come meet my niece."

Gladly, I followed my charge into the room where Luna Nevaeh held her twins tightly in her arms. The one in her left arm was a small baby boy, he had blonde hair and stunning, green eyes. Just like his momma. His focus was on his momma too, he smiled up at her like she was the only thing that mattered. Moving to Nevaeh's right arm laid the most precious little girl I've ever seen. She had black wavy hair and her hand gripped her mother's finger tightly. She seemed to be asleep until I cooed. That's when her eyes snapped open and she looked up at me with those icy, blue orbs. A smile spread across her face and she let go of her mothers finger and grasped mine.

Sparks shot through my entire body right at that moment and I shivered. My eyes closed as a small gasp left my mouth. Mate. Kilo whispered.

"Axe? What's wrong?" Adia asked, her eyes trained on me.

Nevaeh studied me for a second before smiling down at her daughter. "Axton I can hear your thoughts."

She turned towards everyone in the room, clearing her throat to catch their attention. She handed Ara to me and I cradled her to my chest, kissing her forehead.

"Arabella is Axton's mate." Nevaeh chuckled, a wide grin on her face.

"Another thing you should know Axe, you aren't going to age for a while. You won't age until Ara finds out. Another thing, Addison is no longer your charge. Arabella is."

I slowly nodded head, but I just couldn't tear my eyes away from those blue eyes.

~End Flashback~

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