Moving Forward

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Chapter 6

Arabella's POV

I was currently snuggled up against Axton. My head was buried into the curve of his neck and my arms around his torso, his arms folded tightly around my back. I think he was asleep. (Picture above ^^)

I'm not sure how long we laid like that. It didn't matter. It never did really. I was lost in my mind, thinking about current events and the future. I'd be ruling with my brother, it made sense anyways. We are twins.

After some time, Weston had mind-linked me saying he liked the idea of having us rule together. 4 people running this place in the long run. It sounded good. No one would get stressed out, we all could take turns. It'd work perfectly.

The leaders of this pack, Axton and I were one pair, Weston and Juno the other pair. I let out a sigh, which made Axe adjust himself slightly, his head now leaning against mine.

I tilted my head slightly, enough to kiss his cheek gently. With another small sigh I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall asleep.

A few hours later

I was woken up by gentle shaking and someone murmuring my name. With a groan I groggily opened my eyes only to find a face only mere inches from mine. I shrieked and shoved the person backwards, a small growl slipping from my lips.

"Ara! What the hell!" They yelled, followed by a thud. Then I realized Axton wasn't under me, he wasn't in the room.

My head shot up and I looked at the person in our room, only to find someone I thought I'd never see again sitting on the floor in front of me.

"Colby!!" My bestfriend since kindergarten stood in my room, his brown hair a mess and his blue eyes smiling at me.

I launched myself forward, tackling him to the ground. Pure excitement running through my veins. I thought he was dead!

"Damn Ara, I missed you too." Colby chuckled, sitting up so I was now halfway straddling him as we hugged. But I have bad luck.

Axton walked into the room. Just great.

He was holding onto a tray of coffee, eggs, bacon, and a stack of chocolate chip pancakes covered in syrup. Then in half a second it was smashed onto the floor as he dropped the whole tray. The metal clattered against the ground and food flung everywhere, the coffee splattering onto both Colby and I.

I hissed in pain before jumping to my feet, my eyes shooting daggers at Axe.

"What the hell babe?!" He accused me.

"Excuse you?" I bit back, my eyes darkening. I felt arms fold around my torso and Colby lean his head against the side of mine. He made a soft shushing sound, knowing it'd calm me.

"Get the hell off of her!" Axton grabbed Colby by the collar of his shirt and shoved him against the wall.

I found it hard to choose a side.

My best friend or my mate?

Colby just merely gave a low growl, before brushing himself off and walking back towards me. He slung his arm across my shoulders and scanned Axton up and down.

"The name is Colby. Arabella here is my best friend, who are you?"

"Axton. Ara's Mate."

"Some mate you are." Colby grumbled, before dragging me towards the door and outside.

"Dude Colbs I love you But I have to make sure he's okay." I said quickly, attempting to pull myself out of his grasp. I failed miserably.

"Ara no. He needs to breathe and then you two can talk."

"You aren't the boss of me Colby! I'm not a child let me go!" I snarled, harshly ripping myself away from him. "You're being a complete asshole!"

"Says the one who is throwing a temper tantrum."

I instantly saw red, my vision blurring as my eyes darkened. I struggled to keep my wolf at bay.

"Buzz off Colby." I spat, before turning and running towards the woods almost instantly shifting.

After sometime I had calmed down and could finally go back, my heart no longer racing.

However, as I neared the pack house I could hear a loud crash and multiple screams. Coming from behind the pack house. Nothing else mattered except for getting to where the trouble was.

I took off, my wolf Cloud helping me along the way. She's just as fired up as I am.

As I rounded the corner of the building the sight in front of me made my blood boil. There, right in the center of the yard were Colby and Axton fighting. To the death.

There was the pack spread around the two, wide eyed and stunned. Axton pinned Colby to the ground and repeatedly punched his jaw, cheek, face, Anything he could get to. He stood up, kicking my best friend in the side hard enough that I heard a sharp cracking sound.

I couldn't stop Cloud from taking over, she just shoved me aside and let out a loud, menacing growl.

"Axton James Pierce!"

Hello my lovelies! I'm sooooo sorry but for some odd reason my wattpad deleted 2/3's of my story. Sooo here's the rest!




Eat Nutella (unless you don't or can't)

Buh bye my smol beans!

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