Fights & Different Forms

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Chapter 5

Arabella's POV

As soon as we got home, Axton started taking all the bags from the backseats upstairs. We walked inside and I lost it, I gripped his arm and yanked him backwards against the door. He dropped pretty much all the bags and stared at me wide eyed.

"Are you fricking crazy Axton?!"


"You should know that I myself would NEVER rob a damn store!" I pressed my body against his, my eyes darkening. Goddess I will deal with my wolf later.

"I'm sorry! I thought that was you and you were being a badass!"

"Goddess Axe! Yes I'm a badass but I'm not going to steal from stores!" I yelled, and I would've continued if my mother hadn't ran into the room with a ton of other people. The look she was giving the two of us made me cower, she knew what Cloud had done. What I had done.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" My mother snarled, and she never swears around Wes and I. She says it causes bad habits, so she was really mad.

"I can explain Mom-"

"You bet your damn ass you will!"

"Luna Nevaeh," My mate started to say.

"And you! How could you be so careless! This is my daughter, how could you be so childish and stupid? So reckless?" My mothers eyes darkened, telling me she was mad, her wolf wanting to be out.


"And Arabella! How could you-"


"Do you know how disappointed I am in you!? I-"

"LUNA NEVAEH!" I snarled, my eyes darkening as my canines shot through my gums. Cloud was growling, she thought my mother was being disrespectful. My mother took a step back, her eyes wide with shock. "Would you listen to me? You aren't even letting me explain myself! If you would fucking listen to me, if only you would, you'd understand!" Even my own voice was startling to me, why was it so commanding?

"No way.."

Weston was whispering things to himself, and that's all I caught. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head.

"What is it Wes?" My voice was now softer, it sounded more like me.

"You made my wolf cower, he bowed to you." He murmured, a surprised look on his face. "Ara. I'm not in line to be Alpha. You are."

Axton's POV

I turned to look at my mate, she looked surprised. Her eyes widened, but that was the only indication of surprise. Wes was right, when her voice got like that it made my wolf bow, he needed to show respect.

Slowly I stood next to her and intertwined our fingers together. Her body relaxed and she turned her head towards me slightly. 'We can never get in trouble like that again.' She murmured through the mindlink. 'I need to be a good Luna for my pack Axe, you are the alpha.'

I shook my head. 'Wes is Alpha still Ara.'

'No. I'm The Alpha Female. His wolf cowered to me, an Alpha doesn't do that.'

It was no use in arguing with her stubbornness. So, with a small sigh I dropped the topic and turned towards her mother.

"Luna Nevaeh, the girl you saw robbing stores wasn't your daughter. Her wolf was in charge, and I didn't even know it. That was Cloud, not Arabella. In fact, she was yelling at me before you walked in." I chuckled, and the Luna looked down with a small grin.

"That does sound more like Ara." She laughed, and I nodded.

"Yeah." My head turned to face my gorgeous mate. "It does."

Arabella instantly grinned and let go of my hand, walking towards Weston. He almost instantly pulled her into a hug, Kilo wanted to growl but I reminded him that Wes is her brother. I didn't need to get into more trouble.

"How does it feel to be Alpha little sister?" He asked softly, and she lifted her head to look at him. Ara whispered something to him, something I couldn't quite make out.

"Ara that's not a thing." Weston chuckled.

"Then I'm making it a thing." She said sternly, determination in her voice.


"I. Future Alpha Female of The Dark Moon Pack, hereby declare my brother as Alpha Weston, my
Co-Alpha. We will be co-leaders and rule together with our mates." 

Gasps sounded around the room and Alpha Arden stepped forward.

"There's no such thing as-"

"Well now there is." My mate said without blinking, she hugged her brother before returning to me. Her arms looped around my torso, silently asking me to shield her from her parents. I did so, picking her up and hoisting her on my hip like a little kid.

"I think it's a great idea princess." I said gently, placing a kiss on her right temple. Luna seemed to shiver at the nickname but I knew why. Alpha hugged his Luna close to him and shot me a glare.

"Don't use that nickname-"

"Dad. I like the nickname." Arabella said sternly, defending me.

"But your mother-"

"She'll be fine. He's not calling her it. He's calling me pri-"



(For those of you who didn't read the previous book, Luna Nevaeh was called princess by her captors so she cannot stand the nickname.)

Alpha gave a growl, glaring at Ara and I as he did so. Before he could say anything else, I quickly carried Ara out of the room, up the stairs, and into my bedroom. I set her down on the bed and locked the door.

"What are you doing Axe? This is weird.."

With a small laugh I turned to face her.

"How is it weird? You've been in my room before." I said while walking towards her.

"Yeah. I wasn't your mate then." Arabella said softly, before leaning up to plant a kiss on my lips. I allowed her to, leaning down to fold my arms around her small frame. We stayed the rest of the night in my room.

Hi guys! Hope you had an amazing Christmas!! Buh bye my smol beans!




Eat Nutella (unless you can't)

Buh bye lovelies!

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