New School

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Okay, Thomas. You can do this.

He stood in a middle of a hall. A hall full of students. They were very loud.

So...class 214A...Where is it?

,, Umm...hey!" Thomas stopped a boy, taller than he and way muscular too.

,, Umm...can you tell me where's class 214A?"

,, It's on the third floor." The boy answered, his voice wasn't very friendly.

,, Thanks."

The boy walked away and Thomas shrugged.


He pressed himself through other students.

,, Watch out where are you going, kid!"

Thomas looked up and saw another muscular boy. How many of them were here?

,, I-I'm sorry. I didn't see you."

,, Heh! Look, guys! This little kiddo didn't see me, big and powerful, boy, standing here!"

The others came closer to him, big boy's friends.


,, I don't have time to argue. And why's that even so big problem to you, huh?" Thomas said. He was suprised how confident his voice sounded.

The boy came closer to him. ,, What did you say?"

Thomas swallowed.

,, Do you really think that you can come to me and act like a jerk?"

,, No."

,, Do you have any idea what I'm gonna do with arrogance? Hm?"

Thomas wanted to get away from there.

,, Gal, stop dude, come on. Let the newbie be!"

,, It's not your place Fry."

,, Hey, man. He's a new guy, it's normal he makes mistakes. Am I right?" The boy called Fry came next to Thomas and looked at the big boy.

,, So, Gally, let him go or he'll miss the lesson."

Gally stared at him and Fry.

,, Fine." He said not very nicely. ,, But this is the last time."

,, Thanks, Gally." Fry patted on Gally's shoulder and lead Thomas away.

,, Thanks." Thomas said when the bullies were safe from the distance.

,, No problem, man."

,, Is your name really Fry?" Thomas asked.

,, Nope. It's abbreviation from Frypan."
Thomas smirked.

,, I saw that." Frypan said.

,, Sorry. It's just hard to believe that your name is Frypan."

,, Yea, I know that."

Frypan lead Thomas through halls and up from stairs.

,, So who was this guy...Gally?"

,, He's just big and tough, nothing special. You have to know how to talk with him."

,, What you seemed to know very well."

,, Yeah...seems like I'm the only person he listens to."

,, But he said that this was the last time. What if he catches another newbie and bullies him too?"

,, Don't worry. He may say this but he didn't actually mean this."

,, How can you be sure?"

,, Like I said, I'm the only person he listens to, so, I'm actually the person who knows him the best."

,, Okay then."

They reached to one wooden door. Thomas read the label next to it. Class 214A.

,, How did you-"

,, No problem. See ya!" Frypan rushed downstairs and Thomas went into the class.

Students were sitting behind the tables and Thomas searched for a free desk. There was one in the back row, next to the wall. Thomas went quickly there and sat down. He placed his books on the table and tried to look comfortable.

One girl walked to him.

,, Hey, hot body! What's your name?"

Thomas got confused. ,, What?"

The girl sat down to a chair next to him.
,, I asked, what's your name?"

,, Oh...umm...Thomas."

,, Boring." The girl swirled her haircloth and chewed gum. She wore a mini dress and high heels. Thomas felt uncomfortable.

,, Okay, listen up, please!" The teacher walked into the class. The girl stood up and gave Thomas a little paper piece.

,, Call me." She said quietly and imitated calling.

,, Ava, get to your seat. Thank you." The teacher looked at Thomas.

,, We have a new student here today. Everyone sit down and Thomas, please tell us a little bit about you."

Everyone sat down, only Thomas stood still.

,, Umm...hey. My name is Thomas. I moved here to Southway 'cause my dad got a new job." He looked around in the classroom. ,, I like football and I have a younger brother, Chuck." He was done.

,, Okay...Thank you, Thomas. Have a seat."

The teacher stood up and started to write something on the board.

,, Now open your history books at page 249, please."

* * *

,, So, how was your first school day at new school?" Thomas' mother asked as soon as Thomas stepped into the house.

,, It was...fine."

,, Did you make any friends?"

,, Not yet."

,, Oh...well, tomorrow is a new day. You can try again."

,, Yeah...whatever...I'm going to do my homework now."

,, Okay."

Thomas walked upstairs.

* * *

Few weeks passed and Thomas made himself new friends and everything seemed to be going very well. Usual, a little bit boring life, everything was normal...

Until this day...

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