Nobody But You

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First day of school... What all teenagers dread.

There goes the sleepless nights, not having a care in the world, endless laughs and memories made in the dreadful heat, wishing it could be summer forever.

I find myself clicking the snooze button over a hundred times before gaining the strength to get out of bed. Not even taking the time to look in the mirror, which just reminds how terrible i really look in the morning, i turn the shower nob and give the water time to heat up. Once it warms up, i strip myself of my clothes and step into the shower, feeling the stream surround me. 

After washing my body and hair thoroughly, I turn off the shower and dry myself with the towel. I wrap the towel around my body and walk back to my now sunlight filled room. Like every girl, every morning, we can not find a single to wear. After countless outfit changes, I was finally satisfied. I had on light washed destroyed Hollister skinny jeans with black flip flops topped off with a Hollister floral crop top. After applying a minimal amount of makeup, i left my hair natural for the day, beach wave like. I grab my phone from the nightstand and my satchel and head down the stairs. 

The smell the pancakes swallowed up the kitchen, leaving me in complete bliss as i walked in. My mom was never the best cook, but when it came to breakfast, she was spot on. 

" Hey mama " i say as i walk towards the stove and kiss her on the cheek. 

" Ready for the first day of senior year? " she asks and i sigh under my breath.

I am already a senior, Jesus Christ. It feels like just yesterday was my first day of freshman year, with my shoulder length hair, acne, and braces. It all goes by so fast, sometimes too fast. 

" I guess, i can not believe this is my last year already " i say with such disbelief. 

" I know, Johnny just graduating college and you soon graduating high school. My babies are growing up " she says and i can sense in her tone that she was about to start crying again.

To avoid the water works, i quickly said goodbye and walked out the door and made my way to the my car. I stepped inside and turned on the ignition. I pulled out of the driveway and onto the pavement. I turned on the radio and flipped through the channels until i found 99.7. Boom Clap by Charli XCX, from the movie The Fault In Our Stars i have yet to see, was playing. I quietly sing along as I pull into the parking lot. Once i pull into my parking space, i turn off the ignition and step out of the car, throwing my satchel over my shoulder. As i grow closer to the entrance, Morgan, my closest friend, comes along my side and slips off her sunglasses.

" Ready to raise hell ? " she questions with a smirk on her face. 

As we walk through the halls, we see the same things we've seen for the last three years.

Frightened freshman with the biggest backpacks.

Sophomores who think they are the shit.

Jocks laughing so loud like there is no tomorrow while bullying lower class men.

It is all the same every year.

Luckily Morgan and I have a locker next to each others, i wouldn't want one next to a complete slob. Once we reach our lockers, we grab our Bio book and make our way to the class. Also we have first period together, which makes me even happier. Once we reach the class, we get assigned seats with a partner. I happily take my seat at one of the back tables, I've always hated sitting in the front. 

" Myles, you'll be sitting at that far table "  Mrs. Jones says and points to my table. 

A short, but taller than me guy with brown eyes and brown hair swooped up takes a seat next to me. 

" Hey I'm Myles, i guess I'll be your partner for the rest of the year " he turns to me and introduces himself.

" I'm Haley, and i guess so " I chuckle. " Are you a senior?" i question since this is ny first time seeing him in the past three years.

" Yea, I just transferred here last year " he answers.

" How do you like the school? " i question.

" I love it, well not the school part, but just the people part. I'm just glad this is my last year having to deal with those idiot jocks and annoying little freshman " he says and i giggle, but look back and see a jock sitting right behind Myles glaring at him. Myles turns to see where my eyes lay and his eyes widen.

" Not you pal " he says and pats the jocks shoulder and turns around with frightened eyes while i just giggle even more.

I believe i'm going to, for the first time, enjoy first period.

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