Chapter 29: I Like Continues

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You wake up, peering at the sky.

Midday now.

You feel much better now, and you don't feel the familiar sensation of dizziness. You decide to go get more food. You have some meat from the sheep, but you need more. You climb down very slowly, remembering last time. Your hands automatically grab the next vine, and you make quick progress.

You're very alert now, and you make it down safely. You soon remember that you want to make a sword, and you climb up again, and repeat the process of climbing down again. You go down, and you look around. You see ocelots around you, and you decide to go fishing- once you make a fishing rod.

You wander around, hoping to find a spider somewhere. You walk around and around, and find yourself out of the jungle. You see a spider, and you sprint forward. You slash with your sword, and you find two strings.
You make a crafting table- you always keep wood on you- and you craft a fishing rod. You wander around for ten minutes or so, but you can't find any water sources in the plains.

You leave to the jungle, reassured by the thought that you heard splashing, and you go back. You crawl up a huge jungle tree, much like your own, and look around. You find a water source, so you do the smart thing.
Parkour atop the trees, and once you reach the area, plunge down from the tree.


You are immersed in the dark waters. You quickly swim up; you're not ready to suffocate, and you start fishing.
You are very impatient. Any slight movement you think you see, you reel it back in. Obviously, there was no fish. Finally, you see you bait pulled under the water. Quickly, you reel your bait back as fast as possible. A fish is flung at your feet.

Only nine more fish... You think moodily.

You want an ocelot to get rid of creepers, so you're going to need a lot of fish. You aren't certain how much fish it'll take, so you're go for ten. Hopefully it will be enough.

Moments later has you at twelve fish- 3 salmon, 1 pufferfish, and 8 fish. Not exactly what you needed. If you ever want to make an underwater breathing potion, then the pufferfish will be useful. Now you're going to have to find a witch's hut to get a brewing stand, or you can do it the real way and craft one.

But you're too lazy.

Getting all those supplies will take forever. You shake yourself out of your thoughts. You then walk forward slowly to the ocelot, that's conveniently in front of you. The ocelot suddenly turns away at your sudden movement, as you jerk forward. You immediately give chase, before realizing your mistake. You sigh, frustrated. Ocelots cannot be made into cats by sprinting after them. They just come to you. You sigh some more, remembering that advice.

The night approaches quickly, and the sun sets. You stand there still, a look of frustration glued onto your face. Grumbling unflattering comments about ocelots, you make a decision.

To go back home, go to chapter 39

To continue your task for a pet ocelot, go to chapter 40

You vote, and you decide to maybe comment. You hesitate at the follow button, and you jab your finger at the follow button. You lean back in your chair, a satisfied smile on your face.

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