Chapter Thirty Three

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The briefing room aboard Home One was large, circular and very humid. Rhea had been aboard the Mon Calamari ships few times in the past, she had forgotten the overwhelming humidity when she'd first stepped on board. Tatooine was hot, but this was like moving through a hot swamp. Most of the other Rebels in the room however wore heavy pilot suits or thick jackets, she couldn't imagine what they felt like. Han, Leia and Chewie all sat in the front talking. Rhea stood off to the side speaking to Wedge, the same hotshot pilot she had sat next to during her very first briefing, the one who doubted the proton torpedoes could make it to the exhaust port.

It was strange to remember that young man and look at him now as an experienced leader of a squadron, it must of been strange to remember her as a young woman and now look at her as a General. She, like Han, had been awarded the title for heroic actions. She didn't have the required knowledge to be a General, unless it came to flying she could figure out something quick, but she wasn't flying in this fight.

The holographic image of a space station illuminated the briefing room. It cast an eerie red glow on those closest to it and silenced the whole room. Officers and soldiers shuffled into place and settled down preparing for the news. Rhea stayed sat with Wedge.

A woman entered the room not long after. Short flaming hair and white gowns that gave her a look of authority and grace. She was Mon Mothma, the leader of their Rebel Alliance. She always spoke so solemnly.

"The Emperor has made a critical error and the time for our attack has come"

The room stirred, some seemed hopeful and others not so much. Rhea couldn't blame them for being cautious of such an unbelievable chance to destroy this Imperial monstrosity. After the first Death Stars destruction, it was hard to believe the Empire would make the same mistakes twice. The hologram of the second Death Star shrunk and revealed next to it Endors moon and a deflector shield surrounding the space station much to everyone's disappointment.

"The data brought to us by the Bothan spies pinpoints the exact location of the Emperor's new battle station. We also know that the weapon systems of this Death Star are not yet operational. With the Imperial Fleet spread throughout the galaxy in a vain effort to engage us, it is relatively unprotected. But most important of all, we've learned that the Emperor himself is personally overseeing the final stages of the construction of this Death Star"

The rooms occupants erupted into an optimistic chatter. Rhea noticed even Han was sharing the sudden joy with Leia. She remained wary though, Wedge gave her an unconvinced glance. They both knew this is to good to be true but remain silent.

"Many Bothans died to bring us this information. Admiral Ackbar, please"

Admiral Ackbar, the salmon coloured captain of Home One, stepped up to the holotable and pointed to the second Death Star's deflector shield and the Moon of Endor.

"You can see here the Death Star orbiting the forest Moon of Endor. Although the weapon
systems on this Death Star are not yet operational, the Death Star does have a strong defense mechanism. It is protected by an energy shield, which is generated from the nearby forest Moon of Endor. The shield must be deactivated if any attack is to be attempted. Once the shield
is down, our cruisers will create a perimeter, while the fighters fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the main reactor"

The optimistic chatter instantly switched to concerned whispers amongst the Rebels.

"General Calrissian has volunteered to lead the fighter attacks, General Madine..."

An older man with blonde hair and a blonde beard to match moved to the front of the holotable besides Admiral Ackbar clearing his throat before addressing them.

"We have stolen a small Imperial shuttle. Disguised as a cargo ship, and using a secret
Imperial code, a strike team will land on the moon and deactivate the shield generator"

The pilots and soldiers within the briefing room murmured to each other, who was crazy enough to volunteer for that? Even C-3PO and Leia noted the danger of this mission.

"General Solo, is your strike team assembled?"

Who else, of course it would be Han. Rhea smiled seeing the surprise on Leias face, she always underestimated Han.

"Uh, my team's ready. I don't have a command crew for the shuttle"

Chewbacca was the first to volunteer, throwing his furry paw into the air.

"Well, it's gonna be rough, pal. I didn't want to speak for you"

Chewie let out a growl, nothing would separate him and Han even a dangerous mission.

"That's one"

Han smiles giving Chewie a pat on the back, Leia tapped his shoulder with a smile.

"Uh, General... count me in"

Han grinned at Leia and he turned looking at Rhea expectantly, all of them knew the answer of course. Wedge patted her shoulder and she walked across the room to stand by her old friends.

"I wouldn't pass up the chance"

Han and Leia smiled both of them about to speak when a familiar voice caught all of them, including the troops within the room, by surprise.

"I'm with you, too!"

The crowed turned to face the newcomer and some cheered as they recognised the man. Han and Leia stood up as the farm boy turned Jedi walked through the parted crowd to greet them. Leia immediately pulled him into a hug as Han and Chewbacca stood behind her.

"What is it?"

Leia asked, she pulled back from the hug as Luke seemed off. Something was wrong but she couldn't figure it out.

"Ask me again sometime"

Luke replied, she moved to the side as Lando joined the group.


Han greeted him with a grin, glad to see his friend again.

"Hi, Han... Chewie"

When they were all caught up they moved with the crowd walking out the briefing room and into the halls. Rhea caught up to Luke and stopped him, he had avoided her gaze the entire time they were in the briefing room. Trying to not acknowledge her. 

"Luke, what happened?"

He still avoided looking at her. She didn't though, the way he held himself told her a lot. Despite being a Jedi and controlling his emotions she could certainly see them in his eyes. After moments of silence, Rhea finally spoke.

"Yodas gone, isn't he?"

Luke finally looked up at her, his look was filled with pain and sorrow. He provided her with a small nod. She shut her eyes feeling her heart throb with sadness realising the old Jedi master was truly gone. When she looked back up she noticed how raw his eyes were, she pulled him towards her and held him tightly.

"No ones ever truly gone"

A smile tugged at Luke's lips, the way she said it, what she said reminded him of Obi-Wan. Him and his wise words and wit for the short adventure they had shared would never leave Lukes memory. The first day he met Rhea popped into his mind, seeing that sarcastic farm girl holding his rifle to help protect someone she'd never seen before, but what he remembered most was how bright blue her eyes were. When he looked at her now he noticed how dull they looked from the war torn life.

He wished he could of gone back, stop her from witnessing Biggs death, fighting a wampa and nearly freezing in a blizzard, from going in the cave on Dagobah and all the events that had happened in between. Her voice brought him back to reality, and he was grateful for it.

"Lets get to the shuttle, Han will be waiting"

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