Chapter Thirty Eight

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Han, Leia, Chewie, Rhea, the droids and two of their new forest friends had regrouped with the rebel strike team. They had spread themselves through the undergrowth of the first watching an Imperial bunker. Their were four scouts and their speeder bikes were hovering just a few metres away.

"Back door, huh? Good idea. It's only a few guards. This shouldn't be too much trouble"

Han says as Chewbacca barks ideas to him.

"Well, it only takes one to sound the alarm"

Leia reminded him.

"Then we'll do it real quiet-like"

He answered back with a cheeky grin.

"You wouldn't know what quiet was if it hit you in the head"

Rhea muttered, he shot her a look before signalling to Chewbacca to move.

"Oh! Oh, my. Uh, Princess Leia!"

C-3PO called in distress.


She snapped back.

"I'm afraid our furry companion has gone and done something rather rash"

C-3PO pointed down to the bunker and the rebels looked in unison.

"Oh, no"

"There goes our surprise attack"

Han sighed laying back down on the ground. One of the Ewoks was running out of the brush and hopped onto a speeder bike. The engines roared as the furry little creature revved it to life and it soared off into the forest. The scout troopers were in a frenzy, yelling at each other and grabbing their own bikes giving chase leaving one behind.

"Not bad for a little furball. There's only one left. You stay here. We'll take care of this"

Han motions to Chewbacca again and they slip down the undergrowth moving towards the bunker.

"Hey, come on let's move"

Rhea whispers to the strike team. They get up and go to the opposite side of the bunker as R2-D2 whistles in disappointment.

"I have decided that we shall stay here"

C-3PO decides happily. The strike team make it down beside the bunker, Rhea slips forward and peaks around the corner only to see Han and his miraculous plan as he sneaks behind the scout trooper and taps his shoulder. The scout shouts and runs after Han only to be met with multiple blasters aimed at his head.

After taking his blaster pistol Rhea followed Han and Leia back to the bunkers door. Hans tapping at the control panel when it suddenly opens, the three of them peak inside only to see no one within. They rush through and up to main control room finding the remaining Imperial personal. After forcing them outside the rebels moved back in and one of the strike team members placed the bag down throwing proximity bombs to them.

"All right! Up! Move! Come on! Quickly! Quickly, Chewie"

Han starts placing the charges as Rhea sits down at one of the controls, Leia standing behind her watching the information Rhea scrolls through.

"Han! Hurry! The fleet will be here any moment"

"Charges! Come on, come on!"

Han yells to the strike team.

"Freeze! You Rebel scum"

The rebels stop and look up seeing dozens of stormtroopers aiming blasters at them. More stormtroopers file in and rip the blasters out of the rebels hands shoving them outside. Even more stormtroopers awaited them outside with a couple AT-ST's.

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