Chapter Thirty Two

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"I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur"

Han joked, the band of rebels stood on a skiff. They were speeding besides Jabbas sail barge and a guard skiff constantly winded around the two craft.

"There's nothing to see. Me and Rhea used to live here, you know"

Luke responded to Han. All around them was an endless sea of sand dunes and the occasional rock.

"You're both gonna die here, you know. Convenient"

Han replied wittily. Ironic was indeed a word to describe it, was Rheas thoughts on the matter. She never thought in a million light years shes step another foot on this planet.

She couldn't help herself to not indulge in the happy memories at Toshce Station, working on Lazes podracer, playing Sabacc with Deak and Windy occasionally, or when Biggs would show up after watching a friend of his pilot a skyhopper and boast how this kid was the greatest pilot in the galaxy, and the one time she'd fought with someone in the marketplace of Mos Eisley. She even thought back to the first day Dax had shown her how to fix the vaporators on the farm. The very last day she shared with him struck her hard, the hug they shared and his last words to the young women had always stuck with her.

"Rhea, your not a little girl anymore. You've got to find your own path in the galaxy and we've both known for a long time it isn't farming... Don't you let those Imperials at the Academy tell you what you are. You'll know what you are, you'll feel it in your gut"

She had always been curious after she'd joined the Rebellion if Dax had known her plan after all. It wouldn't of been hard to believe that he figured out her ploy, but her questions would forever remain unanswered.

Luke's reply to Han in a serious tone brought Rhea back to reality.

"Just stick close to Chewie and Lando. I've taken care of everything"

"Oh... great"

Han muttered sarcastically.

The large sail barge and the two skiffs slowed down to a stop as they neared a large pit in the sand. Jabbas barge stopped at the side of the pit as the other skiff circled around. The rebels skiff stopped just above the pit that happened to be filled with thousands of needle like teeth and tentacles moving back and forth trying to grab its meal hovering a few meters above. C-3PO came to one of the opened windows in the barge and spoke, his voice amplified by speakers.

"Victims of the almighty Sarlacc. His Excellency hopes that you will die honourably. But should any of you wish to beg for mercy, the great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas"

Han stepped forward arrogantly facing where he thought Jabba was.

"Threepio, you tell that slimy piece of... worm-ridden filth, he'll get no such pleasure from us. Right?"

Chewie barked unsure, Luke stepped forward with a rather determined look.

"Jabba! This is your last chance. Free us or die"

He yelled up to the barge, even without a speaker they could still hear Jabba's villainous laugh bellow through the barge. A weequay moved to Luke and prodded him to a plank above the sarlacc with a bladed staff. Luke glanced to Rhea and Lando and nodded to them. He made his way to the edge of the plank taking a quick glance back at the weequay poking the air behind him with the staff. He looked back up seeing a small blue and white astromech droid roll up to the side of the sail barge deck. He gave a quick salute to R2-D2 before Jabba yelled again and the weequay gave him a harsh push with the staff.

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