Chapter Thirty One

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All angry and frightened the guards spilled out of the stair way and into the cavern. Some gazed at the sight of the dead beast and some were giving death stares at Luke and Rhea. Had Jabba not ordered them to be kept alive, they were both sure they'd be shot on the spot right then and there. As the guards began to circle the two cutting off any routes of escape, Luke grabbed Rheas hand to offer some quick and needed comfort before the two were pulled away from each other and shoved up the stairs.

The guards led them back up the stairs they came and all but the ones holding onto the rebels filtered back into the crowd of aliens. Luke and Rhea were forced in front of Jabba and soon Han and Chewbacca were thrown with them.



The two exclaimed at once.

"Are you alright?"

Luke questioned him.


Han chuffed.

"Together again, huh?"

"Wouldn't miss it"

Luke almost let out a laugh.

"How are we doing?"

"The same as always"

"That bad, huh. Where's Leia?"

"I'm here"

Leia answered from her seat besides Jabba. C-3PO quickly appeared from behind Jabba as he roared, quickly translating his new masters furious demands.

"Oh, dear. His High Exaltedness, the great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately"

"Good I hate long waits"

Han's voice dripped with sarcasm and hatred.
C-3PO continued.

"You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc"

"Doesn't sound so bad"

Han murmured to Luke, whom shrugged.

"In his belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over a thousand years"

The group of rebels faces fell and C-3PO gasped in horror at the Hutt.

"On second thought, let's pass on that, huh?"

Han muttered worriedly as Chewie barked in agreement. Luke, however, had something else to say on the matter.

"You should have bargained, Jabba. That's the last mistake you'll ever make"

He threatened the slug, Jabba let out a loud evil cackle and yells in Huttese again. As the guards roughly pushed the Rebels to the palaces garage, Rhea found the time to voice her thoughts to Luke.

"You've got us into one big mess, you know that?"

She whispered.

"Don't worry so much, it's all working out just as I planned"

Luke whispered back with almost a smug smile.

"So, the Rancor was part of your plan then I assume?"

She retorted.

"Have a little faith in the Force, Rhea"

Lukes reply was vague and did not improve her faith in the Force. Chewie barked at Rhea, both exchanging worried looks while Luke couldn't help but show his pleased grin.

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