Chapter 9

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hey guys sorry for the long wait and the short chapter but I have been really busy recently with all these internals and campaigns I'm doing.

hope you enjoy it (I have already started on Chapter 10)

Chapter 9

Hayden Owen’s POV

I couldn’t risk her getting hurt, that last one that found out Jake had them murdered, in front of me. Hailey needed a good life, away from my gang and me, but I just couldn’t let her go. No one had heard from Hailey since I left her this morning and quite frankly the only thing bugging me was the fact that Cole had also not been seen since then. I saw the way he was eying her up this morning the problem was that he wasn’t eying her like a piece of meat, he was eying her like she was already his, and no one else could have her.

When I find Cole Michaels I was going to give him a serious beating.

Hailey Owen’s POV

That smart arse, Hayden was going to kill him. To think that he had ever stood by Hayden’s side just made me sick.

“Is that true? Well then I guess we are going to have to take a little trip.” The thought of Cole taking me somewhere alone with him made me feel both giddy and frankly quite frightened. Hayden had warned me that Cole would try things with me but I thought he was just trying to scare me into staying away from him, I never realised that it was true.

“Hello? Anyone home in there?” A hand waved in front of my eyes and I turned to glare at the evil conniving bastard that told Cole who I really was.

“Fuck off you bastard,” I say spitting in his face. The smirk he once had disappeared and was replaced by a frown, an anger-filled frown with a taunting look in his eyes. He turned for a second and surprised me when he shoved a piece of fabric in my mouth and grabbed both my hands, tying them together with some rope.

“Don’t hurt her to much you idiot, she is our leverage!” Cole shouted with such hatred it was starting to scare me, and I’m never scared. Where was Hayden when I needed him the most?

Hayden Owen’s POV

“WHERE IS HE?” My voice was filled with rage and the fact that this scrawny kid here wasn’t scared yet was a new record. Time to go with my back-up plan. I pull out the knife and the boy shakes, trying to wriggle out of my grasp like a worm. He holds hid hand up in a wait sign and I put the knife away, this better be good. He pulls out a pen and some paper from his pocket, nerd, and starts to write.

I may be part of Cole’s gang but that doesn’t mean I have to talk. I am deaf and I have been since I was born.’

I snatch the pen and paper out of his hand and ask the question again.

‘They would have taken her to the cabin. It is situated in the woods where no one can find it. I can take you there.’

I contemplate this but the idea that he may have some way of warning them before then changes my mind. I write back telling him he can’t in anyway have any means of communication with anyone else before I have found Hailey and that if he is lying or tells someone he is to be punished.

Once we have settled to an agreement we set out. I call a few of my top ranked fighters to meet us at the turn off road and to come prepared for a fight.

Hailey Owen’s POV

Ugh, what is that smell? I have been locked in the same room for hours and only just noticed the smell. Cole and the traitor haven’t come back since they literally threw me in here and I hope that when they do come back they bring me some food.

I had been hoping that Cole was different, that he wasn’t going to hurt me for being related to Hayden, I mean who wants to be beaten because of their brother? I do love Hayden but I just can’t stand this (even though I am a cage fighter). With Cole being the first one to be nice to me, I thought that he was a nice guy but I guess that he will just hate me like everyone else always had.

I guess its time to think of all those who I have hurt, in more than one way (physically and emotionally). This is going to take hours.


“You are my saviour!” I yell back to the person who was standing outside the wooden door.



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