Chapter 1

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Hey guys!

First chapter is up hope you like it! Picture on the side of Hailey :)


Holzypopz xx


Chapter 1.

12 years later.

“Hailey Owen!” I turned around to see one of the workers from the foster home yelling at me. I turned around and started running. I knew what it was and I didn’t want it to happen again. As always the foster home sends one person leaving the doors free. I run as fast as possible for the front entrance and make a break for it. It was time I left and found my way back to the first foster home I was in. The foster home my brother left me at. Zelda’s Home For Kids was a nice place to live but the only problem was that it was for children under 10. When I turned 10 most of the other kids I was there with had been adopted but I never was. That brought my self-confidence down a lot. I was going to go back and find out where my brother went. I wasn’t looking forward to the journey as in the past 7 years I had gone from Zelda’s home in New York to another bunch of foster homes spread out across America. Right now the home I was staying in Charlotte, North Carolina and I had to get to Brooklyn, New York. Great almost 10 hours away and that’s by driving. Maybe I could ask one of my friends from school? I know that a couple of them have nice brand new cars that their parents got them for their 16th birthday. I decide that I’ll ask my friend Damon. Damon and I met my first day at high school in Charlotte. I had decided that I never wanted to go to school so I would ditch that was until Damon stopped me. He told me about how strict the school was and taught me the ups and downs after that we became best friends. It took me around 10 minutes to run to Damon’s and as soon as I got there I noticed his parents were just leaving. I waved to his parents before continuing up his drive. Damon lived in the rich part of town and his home well isn’t really a home it’s more like a mansion. The drive way is quite long and at the end is a large fountain right outside the front door. As soon as I got to the door I pulled out the spare key Damon gave me and walked right in.

“Damon!” I yelled out walking into the lounge. Sure enough there was Damon with a girl on his lap.

“Damon! Your parents haven’t even been gone 5 minutes and there is already a slut here!” I scold him turning to go into the kitchen.

“Hailey! What are you doing here?” Damon asks following me into the kitchen once he kicked the slut out.

“I’m here to ask you something extremely important.” I state before turning around and rummaging through his fridge again.

“What?” Damon asks turning me around to face him. I had half a cookie shoved into my mouth when I replied so it sounded more like ‘I nump ard tnew yk’.

“I need a ride to New York.” I repeat once I finish the cookie. Damon looks at me surprised. I had only ever asked Damon for rides to and from school and that was usually only when it was raining otherwise I would just be hanging out at his house so I wouldn’t have a need for him to drive me anywhere. Damon was still in shock so I figured that he wouldn’t do it. I shook my head and grabbed the rest of my cookie before going over to the back door.

“Why?” I hear Damon’s voice quietly say just before I step outside.

“I’m going to find my brother.”

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