Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

1 week later

“Tonight we are welcoming a new member to the Dark Knights! Even though she is a girl we will treat her the same as we treat any member! If you have any problems or questions come see me later! I now introduce my sister Hailey Owen!” There goes my queue. I walk up onto the makeshift stage shaking a little, I was nervous and that doesn’t happen a lot. Hayden’s gang was HUGE! I was shocked but I had to keep it together, I can’t come off as a scared little girl. I rushed up the last few steps, trying not to trip, and straight to Hayden’s side. I looked out at the crowd and saw a few faces from school but none I actually knew.

“You all may have heard that the leader of the Storm Patchers has been killed and the gang got passed over to his stepson who happens to go to school with a few of us. Jack Michaels is no longer a threat but that does not mean that any of us should let our guards down. The Storm Patchers are going to be moving to an area near us because of the new leader so we must be prepared to fight for our land.” To say I was shocked was an understatement. I thought of the fact that almost our whole school heard what I had said at lunch scared me now that I knew his stepson may have heard.

“Dismissed!” Hayden’s voice stopped my train of thoughts and made me jump back into the real world.

“Hayden, who is the new leader?” Hayden’s head snapped towards me at the sound of my trembling voice. I could see his emotions flickering in his eyes but worried was the one that was mainly present. Hayden pulled me into a hug before whispering his name in my ear.


Hayden Owen’s POV

“Cole.” I was afraid that as soon as I told Hailey his name she would lash out so I held onto her tighter. I picked her up and took her over to the chairs at the back of the stage where I knew my gang members wouldn’t disturb me.

“Hailey I need to know what I have heard about him.” The next words that came out of her mouth shocked me to a standstill.

“He was nice to me, the first person at school to be nice to me.”

“Hailey, you can’t go near him. If he finds out that you are in my gang, let alone my sister, he could try to harm you. He may seem nice on the outside but he is truly conniving.” I thought about what I was going to tell her and decided it was best she knew about my past with him before he told her his side.

“Cole Michaels used to be my best friend when I first came here.” I heard her gasp but when she didn’t talk I continued. “When I joined this gang he stopped talking to me, in fact he turned everyone against me by telling the school I was part of a gang. When his step-dad, Jake, showed up a few years ago Cole ended up joining his gang but of course he made sure no one knew, and if I told no one would have believed me.” Hailey looked me in the eyes and gave me a knowing look.

“Hayden, you were my bestest friend in the whole world and the fact that Cole ditched you and then later did the same thing you did makes him worse then me! I would never leave a friend, I mean I found you!” Hailey’s words cheered me up a lot and I saw that she was also happier.

“I love you Hailey and I don’t want to lose you again!”

“I love you to Hayden.”

Cole Michaels POV

I couldn’t get her face out of my head. Her beautiful brown eyes and her hair that fell just above her waist. I didn’t know her name but I knew I wanted her, and she wasn’t just going to be another girl I slept with. I ran my hand through my spiky blond hair. I needed to get her out of my head but I just couldn’t. She looked like someone I knew but I just could place who it was! I had to go into the office and find out whom, out of the very few new faces, she could be.

The office was empty when I arrived so I took my chance. I hopped behind the sluttly secretary’s desk to find the files. I saw a bunch of papers with names and photos on and decided to start looking there. I picked up the stack and started sifting through them. I was about to give up when I found a photo of her.

‘Click, clack, click, clack.’ The sound of the secretary’s footsteps coming made me grab her file and jump back over the desk. I rushed out of the office just before she came in.

“Hey Cole!” I looked around and saw my mates standing in a group near the end of the hall. I went over to join them after stuffing the file in my locker.

“Hey guys! What’s up?” I ask trying to act as normal as I could. I got many replies but I ignored them as I saw my mystery lady walk through the doors. Only problem was whom she was with.

Hayden Owen.

Hailey Owen’s POV

Walking into school the morning after joining the game was awkward. Guys from the gang came up and said hi to Hayden and me as we walked to my locker. I saw Cole staring at me and I painfully ignored him and his beautiful eyes and focused on my locker combo.

“I will see you at lunch Hails, I have a problem I need to take care of.” I heard the double meaning in Hayden’s words as he walked back the way we just came, out the front doors. Before leaving my locker Devon came up to me.

“Hailey! My girl! How are you? I haven’t seen you around recently so I guess you and Hayden have been talking.”

“Hey Devon,” I say with a fake smile, “I’ve been good, and yeah Hayden and I have been talking about everything. Including how you ditched his side when you found out about his secret. Goodbye.” I walk away from Devon and pass the rest of his friends, including Cole, glaring at them all.

I was about to walk into my classroom when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back out again. I turned around to find that the hand belonged to none other than Cole Michaels himself.

“What do you want?” I ask glaring at him. Cole takes a step back due to the sharp tone of hate in my voice.

“I was wondering why you were hanging out with the gang leader?” He asks a strange look in his eye. I was about to reply but someone else bet me to it.

“Because he happens to be her twin.”

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