Chapter 4

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Photo of the twins to the side.(Alex-blonde, Jake - brown)

Chapter 4.

I open my eyes only to find another pair staring back into mine. I let out a scream before shooting up and banging my forehead against theirs. I scramble back before realizing that its just Alexis. I mumble a sorry before getting up off the ground. I try to remember why I was on the floor when it all comes back to me. Hayden. The McNeil’s.

“Alexis, is it only you Hayden and Lucas that live here?” I ask hoping that the answer was yes.

“No. Over the years Lucas and I have adopted many boys around your age. We were looking for another kid when we saw that you were still in the system and so we thought that you and Hayden should be reunited. There are about 5 adopted boys here, other than Hayden, and I have one son of my own. I hope you don’t mind.” Alexis states.

“Na its fine I pretty much grew up with boys so its no bother. Are they at school right now?” I ask.

“Yes though they should be home soon.” And with that I turned to get some food. As I walked down stairs I heard a door open and not soon after I heard a bunch of boys voices float through the house.

“Mum! Can we get our own car? Hayden and Josh have practice after school so we have to walk! Or even worse, catch the public bus!” I hear 2 voices shout out at the same time. I continue down the stairs to see a pair of hot twins, one with brown hair and one with blonde but still clearly twins, standing in the foyer. As soon I step onto the ground floor the boys snap their heads towards me. I wave at them before continuing into the kitchen. I hear the boys following me so I add a bit more of a swing to my hips to see what their reaction is.

“Who are you?” They ask coming up behind me.

“Hailey,” I say before rummaging through the fridge.

“Hailey Owen?” One of them asks. I just nod before continuing trying to find some food. I hear the boys talking between themselves before they turn back to me and study me.

“Take a picture it’ll last longer.” I snap hating it when people, especially boys stare at me. Before I have the chance to turn away they both grab their phones out of their pockets and take a photo. At that I break and start chasing them around the house. I jump onto one of their backs and cling on for my life as he tries to throw me off. While doing so I get a hold of his phone and delete the photo before hoping off his back and trying to find the other twin. I find him hiding behind a tree looking the opposite way so I sneak over and do the same as I did to the other twin, only this time I don’t get the phone I just let him give me a piggy back.

“What are your names anyway?” I ask letting the curiosity take over me.

“Jake,” one says.

“Alex,” the other says. I sigh knowing I'm always going to get their names mixed up. Just as I'm about to reply another 3 boys come stumbling into the room. I notice that all 3 of them are different. The boys walk towards us paying no attention to me, or so I think.

“Whose the pretty lady? She yours Alex?” Only then do I realize I'm still on Alex’s back. I hop of Alex’s back and go to walk up to them but Alex holds me back. I shake myself out of Alex’s grip before walking up to the guy who talked and sap him across the face.

“Nobody, and I mean nobody, talks about or to me like that.” I state before skipping over to the stairs. I walk up the stairs to my room. When I enter I grab out my new art supplies and start to draw the same picture I always do. The last picture I had of Hayden and I before we were separated. I finished drawing Hayden and was about to start on myself when there was a knock on my door. Before I can tell the person to leave the twins come into my room.

“Were sorry about Nathan he isn’t usually like that.” Alex tells me coming to take a seat next to me on my bed. I just nod and continue drawing.

“Wow that’s amazing!” Jake yells coming and taking the sketchbook of my lap. I just shake my head and muttering something along the lines of ‘no its not. Its just a sketch.’

“Anyway, we came up to tell you that its time for dinner, and no Hayden isn’t home yet. He is out with some friends and probably won’t be back till like midnight.” Alex tells me before pulling me up. Just before we leave my room I hop onto Alex’s back and make him carry me down stairs. When we reach the dining hall I notice that everyone else, along with a new boy with brown hair and bright green eyes, is sitting at a long dining table and that one seat is opposite Nathan. I want to sit away from Nathan but when I get off Alex’s back him and Jake take the seats next to each other leaving me sitting across from Nathan. Sucking it up I go and sit down just as Alexis starts speaking.

“Ok guys as you all know there is someone new here tonight. Everyone this is Hailey. Hailey is, as some of you have guessed, Hayden’s twin. Now sadly Hayden is out again but tomorrow I would like you all to leave them alone to catch up. Now lets say grace.” After saying grace we all serve ourselves and start eating. The boys keep up a conversation trying to talk to me some times but I don’t join I just think over what Alexis said. I wonder how Hayden will react to seeing me again, especially considering he doesn’t even know I'm here. I hope he accepts me. We all finish dinner and take our plates out to the kitchen. I am about to go up stairs when I hear the door open and the voice I’ve wanted to hear for so long call out.

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