Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Damn you have changed so much since we were little!” Hayden exclaims making me even more confused.

“How so? I mean I’m definitely not a little girl anymore and maybe my attitude has changed a little and I mean I could say the same about you changing.” Hayden just shrugs before finishing off his lunch.

“So you don’t care that I’m a gang leader?” Hayden asks in a worried tone. I just shrug before replying.

“I don’t care I mean sure the last gang leader I met I murdered because he tried to rape me but I’m not afraid of you.” I state. Hayden’s eyes grow wide when I tell hi the part about me being raped but I just avert my eyes so he doesn’t see them show hurt.

“Someone almost raped you!” He yells gaining attention of the rest of the cafeteria. The whole place goes silent as I reply.

“And I killed him in self defence so he wont do it again will he?” I question giving Hayden a special look. Hayden stands up ignoring all the stares and pulls me up into a hug. I sigh hugging back noticing that everyone is still looking.

“Get back to your own business!” I yell which causes them to quickly turn away. In a flash the rest of our ‘brothers’ were over standing next to our table. Many accusations were thrown about.

“You’re a murderer?”

“You were raped?”

“A gang leader?”

I sighed waiting for them all to finish their many accusations that were obviously true. Behind me (as I was now sitting on Hayden’s lap) Hayden became to laugh. Although it was a serious moment the look on all the boys faces was enough to join in with Hayden. After a while the boys stopped trying to calm us down and went back to their own tables to finish lunch. There were still some stares from people around the cafeteria but I didn’t notice because Hayden and I were having a nice bonding moment. Once Hayden and I finally stopped laughing he turned to me and asked me an extremely serious question.

“Hailey, what was the gang leaders name?” I tried to avert my gaze but I knew that it wasn’t going to work, one way or another I knew that Hayden was going to get me to tell him his name.

“I can’t tell you right away Hayden. It’s hard for me to open up to people about this subject and even though you’re my twin you are just going to have to trust me and wait this one out.” I hop up from Hayden’s lap and flee from the cafeteria. I know that Hayden was going to try and follow me so I had to take matters into my own hands. I had to go to a place no boy would dare enter, The Girls Bathroom.

I rest in the bathroom for about 10 minutes before risking the idea of making a run for the front doors of the school. I leave the bathroom only to run into a hard chest. Thinking it was Hayden I go to turn and run the other way but the voice makes me stop.

“We need to stop meeting like this.” It was Cole Michaels, the one my brother hates. I slowly look up to his face, about to reply, only to be captivated by his sparkling blue eyes.

“I know I’m good looking but I didn’t realize I had this sort of affect on girls.” I could just hear the smirk in his voice. Normally I wouldn’t have worried about a sentence like this but because it was Cole it somewhat bothered me.

“Sorry, I was just trying to piece together your ulterior motive. I mean it’s not everyday that a boy talks to his enemies sister and normally there is a meaning behind it. So what do you want?” I see his facial features change into a hard on glare.

“Not everyone is like Hayden you know, there are still some good guys out there.” I was completely confused by his words until I realised that he must believe I know why it is they hate each other.

“I don’t want to get in between this feud you to have but if you want to make accusations about someone you don’t say it to someone that cares about them, unless it is something nice which I highly doubt you could conjure something nice up. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to find a nice guy to help me out.” and with my final words I turn on my heel walking away from the one guy that seemed different but was just putting on a front, like all others.

After my conversation with Cole I decided to walk home completely forgetting the fact that I was in a new town and I had no clue where home was. I luckily found a gas station, which helped me with the directions.

By the time I finally reached home it was almost midnight, noting the fact I stopped for dinner and then for dessert. The house was quiet and it quite frankly scared me. I slowly walked up the stairs trying to make sure they don’t creak, but I had no such luck. Every step I made sounded like a clash of thunder; I was surprised when no one came down to see what all the ruckus I was causing was about. Once I finally reached my room I was thankful that I could just lie down and sleep without any interruptions. That idea flew out the window as soon as I saw Hayden sitting on my bed.

Seeing Hayden sitting there made me freeze. I wasn’t expecting him to be awake and especially waiting up for me. As soon as I shut the door Hayden was up and standing in front of me in a flash.

“Where have you been? I was worried!” The harsh tone in his voice made me feel extremely bad about myself, I never thought he would worry this much.

“I’m sorry” I started with a small voice, “I got lost and had to walk home by foot and I started by going the wrong way.” I looked straight into his eyes after I explained. I saw many emotions run through him but the only one he showed was the regret. Without saying anything he pulled me into a hug, knowing that the look I had was one that notified him of my true thoughts.

“I care about you to much to loose you again Hailey so please try to stay with me. I also found out the name of the gang leader, I promise I wasn’t snooping it was actually one of my guys that told me.”

“I knew it was going to come out I just didn’t want you to be ashamed of me when it did.” I look away from Hayden again knowing that by just looking at him I would let a few tears of shame leak out.

“I am not ashamed of you Hails, the guy you killed was the leader of the second strongest gang in America. All I care about is that you are safe.”

“What’s the strongest gang?” I ask completely off topic but interested in the subject.

“Mine.” I barely hear Hayden say it but I did. I was shocked at the thought, but not in a bad way. I was shocked that my brother had done something amazing that I had always wanted to accomplish but never could because I was a girl.

“I want to join your gang.”

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