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once at jeonguk's door, changsun hesitated. what if he yells at me? what if he doesn't want me here? he thought. he shook his head, clearing the thoughts before raising his hand to the door to knock.

as he was about to knock, the door opened. a sad jeonguk was revealed. 'changsun? wha..what are you doing here?' he asked changsun. changsun sighed and brought jeonguk into a hug.

jeonguk tensed. he's always hugged changsun, but it's different now. he stopped caring what people would think. he stopped denying his feelings. he embraces that he loved changsun more than a friend. he always has. he never wanted to admit it because changsun doesn't love him. he likes him as a friend.

he broke up with changseung because a) he stopped being a dick and accepted his feelings and b) she was cheating on him with jeongwoo, the class president. no, it didn't hurt him, but he is scared to tell changsun that he likes him.

jeonguk slowly hugged back, relishing the feeling of having the slightly thinner and smaller boy in his arms. he frowned slightly when changsun pulled away. 'what's wrong, jeonguk?' he asked jeonguk.

jeonguk sighed and let the younger into his room. he decided not to tell changsun yet. he should wait a bit before confessing.

changsun jumped on jeonguk's bed, snuggling into the blankets, secretly taking in his scent before sitting up and looking at jeonguk. 'please tell me what's wrong. you didn't come to my house after school, and you seem really sad.'

jeonguk sat beside him on the bed. 'i have a crush on someone, and they don't like me back.'

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