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during school, jeonguk stayed with his friends, cory and hongseob. he never really got to hang out with changsun, except for at lunch.

during lunch, changsun made his friends, kisu and jinhong, sit with him. he always sat wherever jeonguk sat.

the little group of friends always sat by a big oak tree that was in the middle of the outdoor lounge. it was a circular table, so everyone got to sit close together. changsun would always sit beside jeonguk. jinhong sat beside jeonguk on the other side. beside him sat hongseob. on changsun's side, kisu sat with cory beside him.

they never really stayed like that though because of cory trying to make a move on kisu, kisu slapping him then demanding a new seat, away from cory. they all knew they both loved each other though, it was obvious.

every now and then, changsun would rest his hand on jeonguk's thigh, just so he could feel jeonguk's hand as jeonguk moved his hand off his thigh.

jeonguk's hand was soft, and changsun loved the feeling of it wrapped around his own hand, even though it's just for a couple seconds to move his hand from his thigh.

he sighed. he wanted jeonguk to know that he loved him. he wanted jeonguk to be his. yes, jeonguk would tell him he loves him, but it's not the way that changsun wants it to be.

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