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jeonguk broke up with changseung a month after they were together. changsun was happy. though he "dated" daeil longer than he expected, jeonguk is still single!

changsun kept his selfmade promise and got daeil a date with hui.

after the break up, jeonguk didn't go to changsun's house. he goes there every day (well did when he was single at least). changsun was sad. he hasn't been there for now two weeks. it's been two weeks since the break up and two weeks since he's saw jeonguk outside of school.

changsun slipped on his shoes and walked out the door. he was headed to his crush's house. he has to know what's up. he knocked on the door after he got to jeonguk's house. jeonguk's father opened the door. he narrowed his eyes when he saw changsun.

'what did you do to my son?' he growled. changsun was scared.

'n-nothing! h-he usually c-comes to my house every d-day, b-but he hasn't came f-for the past t-two week,' changsun replied, cowering in fear. jeonguk's dad giggled at bit. he playfully hit changsun's shoulder.

'i'm just kiddin son. and he usually does. i've been trying to watch cinderella and four knights, but yet i can't because jeonguk is all sad and sulled up, and i have to be a dad and see what's wrong but he won't tell me.'

changsun giggled at that. he was scared, but he should've known that was jeonguk's father. scary yet funny at the same time.

jeonguk's father let him in. changsun quickly slipped his shoes off, said a hey to jeonguk's mom and headed upstairs to jeonguk's room.

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