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"Where do you think you're going?" Aaron immediately stops Harry when he tries to get in the car with them.

"I'm coming with you!" Harry furrows his eyebrows, confused by his sudden behavior.

"No, you can't! It's a federal investigation and you're not an agent. The rest of my team can't see you with us." Harry snorts, feeling immediately in the wrong. Aaron is right, he's just a civil and he can't go with them to ask questions when Wes, and who knows who more, is there too. "I'll let you know what we find." Aaron whispers, this time. But from the confused expression Harry sees appearing on Spencer's face he thinks that he's heard it clearly. Harry slowly nods and steps aside, letting the two other men getting in the car without him. Aaron hasn't felt this hopeful in a long time. When they get to the hospital, or better, private clinic, Wes is already waiting for them at the entrance. Aaron can tell he's been impatient, just as much as he is. They greet each other and get in together. As soon as they approach the counter Aaron shows his badge to the receptionist.

"We have some questions to do about a murder case." The receptionist quickly nods her head, after taking a careful look to the badge. Aaron takes a picture of Scarlett out of his wallet to show her. "Have you ever seen this girl?" The eyes of the receptionist light up and she quickly nods her head.

"She's been here about..." She furrows her eyebrows, trying to remember how long it's been. "Four months ago. I remember her because she's been here more than once. She wanted to have some information about a woman that gave birth here. We've told her every time that we can't disclose this kind of informations. She also offered us money." The receptionist giggles and shakes her head, thinking about it again.

"I need you to check if the file about this woman is still in your archive." The receptionist nods again at Aaron's words. "Celine Stewart."

"Give me a minute." The receptionist soon enough disappears down the corridor to get to the archive. Spencer, who had been looking around, immediately notices a woman, who's washing the floor, looking at them with fear and worry in her eyes at the mention at the woman's name, but before he can say anything he's quickly distracted by the return of the receptionist. "Sir, I don't know how this happened but... we can't seem to find the file. We're mortified..." the receptionist, with red on her face, says. Aaron is not surprised. He knows that Scarlett would have found a way to get what she wanted.

"It's ok! Thank you for your time!" Aaron quickly says and turns around with Wes to walk away, but Spencer walks toward the woman that keeps looking at them.

"Hi..." he says with a slight smile. The fear in her eyes seems to get more alarmed now that he's approached her. "I'm Spencer Hall... I'm a Doctor." Aaron and Wes looks at Spencer with a confused expression on his face, not really understanding what he's trying to do.

"Hi..." the woman whispers, warily looking at him. "I thought you were an agent..."

"No, they're agents! I'm just a Doctor!" He points at Wes and Aaron. He knows that she would feel less scared in knowing that he's not an agent. "Do you happen to know anything about Celine Stewart?" From the look in her eyes he already knows the answer.

"They're gonna fire me, I need this job!" The woman desperately whispers at him, paying attention to the receptionist who's luckily not looking.

"I promise I won't tell anyone!" Spencer takes her hand and looks in her eyes. "You were paid to steal the file, weren't you?" Spencer asks and after a few seconds the woman slowly nods her head. "Aaron, the picture!" Spencer tells Aaron and stretches the arm toward him. When he gets Scarlett's picture he shows it to the woman in front of him. "You sold it to her?"

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