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Scarlett wasn't expecting to wake up with the sound of the bell this morning, and she wasn't expecting not to find Harry in bed next to her either. She snorts and immediately gets up to go open the door to the person who's insistently ringing the bell. She covers herself with her robe, tightening it around the waist and walks toward the door. She wasn't expecting to find Calvin and Mollie, behind that door, either.

"Harry is not here!" She quickly says. Her eyebrows furrowed, hoping to get rid of them more easily and swiftly like that.

"We're not here for him!" Calvin says back, opening the door and walking inside, followed by Mollie. They both immediately sits down on the couch, without waiting for an invite to get in by Scarlett. She immediately snorts when she figures the reason why they're here. She closes the door and walks toward the couch too.

"He called you as babysitters, didn't he?!" She rolls her eyes, not really needing an answer because she already knows it. "He wanted to sneak off whenever he wanted in peace... how surprising!" She shakes her head, feeling not that surprised after all. He didn't have the courage to tell her he wanted to go out, to see Cielo maybe, so he called his friends to check on her.

"Why don't you make breakfast?" Calvin changes the subject, not having any intention to reveal her anything. He was surprised too when Harry called him this morning and he doesn't want to be here, but once again he wasn't able to tell him that. Mollie isn't supposed to be here either and Harry will probably get quite mad when he'll find out but she had insisted so much that he couldn't tell her no. After all, he was going to check on the two of them.

"Why don't you make it?!" She spats back. "After all, you're the babysitter." She fakes a little smile and crosses her arms to her chest.

"Yeah, Calvin... I'm quite hungry too!" Mollie tells him, with a smile. He looks at her with confusion, not really understanding the game she's playing.

"I like my bacon well done." Scarlett tells him with the same devilish smile. He snorts and rolls his eyes, before deciding to get up and cook some breakfast for the three of them. Scarlett stays put where she is while Mollie gets up and sits down next to her. They look at each other for a few seconds, both of them without saying anything.

"I see you found out..." she whispers, pointing her index to her slightly bruised and reddened neck. Scarlett immediately backs up to her touch, trying to cover her neck better with her robe. She hadn't even realized it was visible, that she had a sign. Calvin can't hear from there what they're talking about and both of the girls know it.

"That is all?!" Scarlett asks her.

"Is it?" She asks back. "You're the one in the relationship with him, you should know better than him." Scarlett furrows her eyebrows, feeling quite confused by her answer. "He's the one that when is not home sends you babysitters to keep an eye on you, to keep you locked in here." The confused expression doesn't disappear from Scarlett's face. She'd like to answer that they're here because he didn't want her to follow him, not because he's a jealous boyfriend. Between the two of them she's the jealous one, she's the one that would want to keep him in a house forever, away from the rest of the world. "I'm sorry for last night, what I want to do is helping you. I'm just very worried for you..." she tells her right after, but Scarlett can see right through it. She has already understood what her objective is.

"I'm scared most of the time around him..." she whispers, deciding to play her game. She stretches her hand toward hers and squeezes it. Her stare is low, faking some sort of fear. "We got into a fight yesterday and he got violent." Mollie tries to quickly hide her surprise, because she's never seen Harry as a violent person toward a woman, but she doesn't see why Scarlett would lie to her about it. She had no idea that her lies to scare her off were actually correct. Maybe it will be easier than what she thought breaking them off.

Revenge [H.S. MATURE AU]Where stories live. Discover now