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Every time Harry got drunk, during the last three months, he used to call Scarlett's phone number. Only while drunk he was able to admit to himself that he was missing her and he really naively believed that, maybe, she would answer and decide to come back to him. Since the first hours of her disappearance, her phone used to go straight to voice mail, and has been like that ever since. He wonders if they have found it.
This time, for the first time, he decides to call her number while sober. He knows she's not going to answer this time, but he wants to hear her voice; her merry tone of voice promising to call him back.
He feels a hold straight to his chest, for the realization that he'll never hear her voice again, talking to him and laughing with him. It's the first time in a long time that he really misses her, he has always forced himself to ignore what he was feeling before, but now he's not able to anymore and maybe that's the right thing to do, she doesn't deserve to be ignored, or forgotten by him, after everything she's gone through, and for what they've gone through, together.

When he gets up from his bed, with the worst headache ever and notices what Cielo has done with his liquors he's not that surprised, he knew that she was eventually going to stop his bad habits, what she doesn't know is that he's always hidden some more bottles for special emergencies in his room. He knows that he'll have eventually to deal with what he's feeling but he doesn't want to, now.
He goes back to his room and starts looking in his secret makeshift pantry.
He grabs the first mini bottle of tequila he sees and as soon as he tries to close it, his stare is captured by something laying behind the stack of bottles. He doesn't need to look at it to know what it is. He puts the bottle on the ground and grabs the polaroid he so clearly remembers.
It's Scarlett and him, the first time she's been here; the start of everything. Her mouth is curved in a wide smile, showing her perfect teeth in the polaroid, her arm is around his neck and she's slightly leaning on him. She looks beautiful and Harry, once again, misses her incredibly much today. Back to that day, he had no idea what was going to happen to her, he could have never imagined. He wishes he could go back in time, when everything was carefree and easy between them. When she was safe and sound, next to him.
He doesn't even know what happened to her. He just ran out as quickly as he could after the interrogation with Wes, he didn't want to know, but he doesn't feel like that anymore.
He wants to find whoever did this to her and hurt him in the worst of ways.


When Harry arrives to the FBI headquarters, he's so familiar with, he almost can't believe his eyes when he sees Cielo outside.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, as soon as he approaches her, looking at her with his eyebrows furrowed. Cielo almost gasps when she raises her teary eyes to him.

"Harry... wha-why are you here?" She avoids his question, probably to shocked to even hear it in the first place. Now Harry notices her eyes and her wet cheeks.

"I need to talk to Aaron. What happened to you?"

"Nothing, it's fine..." she shrugs her shoulders, sniffling.

"You don't look fine!" He fires back.

"You don't either..." She sighs, stretching her hand toward his messy quiff, to try to adjust it. "What do you wanna talk him about?" She asks, once he doesn't answer.

"I just wanna know if they know anything about what happened to her. I figured I owe her this, at least!" Cielo doesn't feel like fighting him this time. If he had told her this some hours ago she would've replied that he doesn't owe her nothing, but now she doesn't feel like she can, so she just stays silent. She understands him, if she was at his place she would want answers too.

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