most of my gay ass book ideas

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(legit all of em are welsh as well bc i love welsh names and welsh places)

-lil welch boyes who meet in a park at night - (names: idris and rhydian)

-twu rogue werewolf gals who find sanctuary in eachother (names- tegwen and cerys)

- university roommates, lil flower crown hipster gal whos just a peach but popular gal can tel she has issues and is way too nosy so she want to find out and idk something happens along the line and they kiss k idk (bee and cassandra, {not welsh but its set in aberystwyth})

-gorl who dont speak at all and theres anoth gurl who wants 2 know what thae fuc she does, so she followes mute gorl and finds her practicing in a band w a bunch of other misfits and its rl cute n shit

-princess au where the princess is an airhead bab and leaves the estate to see the people on her own but the town is a shithole bc the king n queen r ass and a homeless man decks her and a mcdonalds employee saves her n they cute (olivia and aeron)

(theres prolly more but i cant remember that shit rn)

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