song lyrics i resonate with for some ungodly reason

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"honestly? you look like mozart sounds"

"look what the cat dragged in/ a silent cyclone of sin"

"it's been a long season through/ all this rotting fruit with you"

"i been fucking hoes and popping pillies"

"you've been mourning your loss here/ and that's grinding my gears/ how can a human lose their self-control?/ there's nothing left to make you whole"

"wait a minute/ i think i left my consciousness in the sixth dimension"

"i'm sick of all of these humans telling me what to do/ they make you stupid, but we are from nibiru/ remember your cosmic roots"

once in a lifetime, a golden opportunity/ golden like the sand you finally took me through to see"

"can you heal me, have i gained too much?/ when you become untouchable you're unable to touch"

"big money salvia king of the net/ ruling his kingdom with an iron fist"

"easy easy and one two three four five six seven eight nah naH NAH NAH"

"talking to strangers online was the best decision i ever made/ reality is lemons and the internet's my lemonade"

"I over-communicate and feel too much/ I just complicate it when I say too much/ I laugh about it, dream about that casual touch"

You always said/ I was out of control/Teach me hatred/Then let me go"

"Now you're so high, kiss all the guys/Making me jealous, I wonder why"

"and maybe it was my fault/ so afraid, slammed my fist into the drywall/ so high i can see the crimson in your eyeballs/ i just hope you pick the phone up when i call"

"hey, baby/ you caught me grooving/ your hips are moving/ scoot a little closer to me/ hey baby/ where you going?/ your heart was stolen/ now all i get is answering machine"

"the word's on the street and it's on the news/ i'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you/ because the second i do, i know we're gonna be through/ i'm not gonna teach him how to dance dance dance dance"

"when i was sixteen i learned to sing, i learned to sing/ but every time i raise my voice inside i feel so tired"

"and i wish that i could grow up, the way in which you grow up/ 'cause then you'd never see me cry, and i'd feel like a better guy"

"polaroid of you dancing in my room/ i want to remember, i think it was about noon/ it's getting harder to understand, to understand/ how you felt in my hands, in my hands"

"my brother's in the ballet, seems he's got it set/ and i'll be up at midnight, with my cigarette"

"you tower over me, you are sky and i am sea/ you tower over me/ and we could be the horizon"

"my mommy won't feed me/ breakfast in bed/ she don't think i will clean, i'll just make a mess/ to be completely fair/ i'm just a big mess"

"does my pen only write better words for those who are dear to me?/ is it love, if i take you or is it love if i set you free?"

"will he play you those songs just the way that i did?/ will he play you so strong just the way that i did?/ will he treat you like shit just the way that i did?/ cause i don't blame ya"

"i can't help it if i make a scene/ stepping out of my hot pink limousine/ i'm turning heads and I'm stopping traffic/ when i pose they scream and when i joke they laugh"

"an army has a use, they can go and fight a war' a sapphire has a use, she can tell you what it's for/ an agate terrifies, a lapis terraforms/ where's their diamond when they need her, blue? you've got to be a leader, blue"

"oh, how can you stand to be here with it all/ drowning in all this regret/ wouldn't you rather forget her?" 

"the days are shorter but the nights are long, we can fuck in the sun and dance til dawn/ and all i want is to be your girl"

"hold on world, world hold on/ it's gonna be alright/ you're gonna see the light/ and when you're warm/ really warm/ well, you get things done/ like they've never been done, so/ hold on"

*and every mac demarco lyric in existence*

literally the entirety of dreams from yesterday makes my heart hurt because theres so much emotion behind the lyrics idk it just makes me wanna cry

"so why then/ are you crying/ it was you/ who denied it/ and no amount tears/ will roll back all the years/ bring back all your dreams, from yesterday"

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