20 ; glowing eyes

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"Okay, backtrack for a second," Elise said, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Who is this guy, again?" They'd rushed back from Mexico, Elise dropping the Hales off at the loft and Jenessa of at her apartment before arriving at the school. Apparently, a criminal had escaped from the hospital after flies had erupted from his body during surgery. The entire situation made no sense to Elise. Then again, when was the last time something logical happened in Beacon Hills?

"He went onto a school bus with a bomb," Isaac explained. Ethan and Aiden stood hesitantly at the edge of the group. They'd returned to the school shortly after Elise had left for Mexico, pleading with Scott to be a part of his pack. "He told the police that he did it because the children had glowing eyes."

"Lydia thinks that he's still somewhere in the school. The police have combed the entire campus, though, and didn't find anything," Scott said.

Elise sighed, running a hand through her hair. "So, what are we going to do?"

Scott pulled a bag from his backpack, ripping it open to reveal a hospital gown. "We're going to find him," he said. Elise watched as her brother lifted the gown from the bag, returning his eyes to the rest of the group. "We'll try to track him. Allison is going to look in her family's bestiary for anything that could give us some clues as to what is going on. Elise, you try to see if you can get a flash of anything- where he is, what he's doing, anything that can help."

The eldest of the group nodded, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth. "Just be careful, okay you guys? If this guy could build a bomb and blow up a school bus filled with kids without batting an eye, I doubt he'd hesitate to do something just as horrible again. Don't forget, that you guys actually have glowing eyes."

The teens nodded as Scott handed them the cloth. All three of the Beta's eyes glowed a bright shade of citrine as they lifted the gown, breathing in the killer's scent. After a moment, they dispersed, leaving Elise alone in the halls.

"Why can't we ever just have a normal murderer in this town," Elise muttered to herself as she headed in the direction of the stairs. Just as her fingers brushed the surface of the railing, she froze. It was as if a chill snaked up her spine, spidering out throughout the rest of her nerves.

The feeling prickled at the back of her neck and settled in the pit of her stomach. The feeling continued as a deafening bell rang throughout the school. A fire alarm. Elise recognized the incessant noise from all of the drills they'd performed while she was a student. She gritted her teeth, trying to block out the noise as students quickly filed out of the classrooms, pushing past her on their journey down the stairwell.

"It's probably just a drill, right?" A nearby student asked her friend. The brunette had a sneaking suspicion that the alarm had something to do with the killer on the loose somewhere in the school.

Elise gripped the railing tightly, pushing back against the flood of students as she turned to make her way back up the stairwell. She twisted and spun around the crowd going the opposite direction until she finally broke her way through the onslaught of escapees and landed at the top of the stairs.

The chilling feeling didn't reside until she briskly began making her way down the hall. The short heels of her boots clicked quietly against the tile ground and the blaring alarm threatened to overtake her senses. Elise continued to move down the hall until she came to a stop in front of the library doors.

The cold that had invaded her senses shifted inside of her, tugging her limbs toward the closed doors. In the entirety of her time as a student at Beacon Hills, Elise had rarely spent any time in the library. The most that she ever did in there was print out assignments. The tugging sensation lessened slightly as Elise closed her hand around the handle of the library door and pulled.

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