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Lafayette p.o.v.

{Time skip}

It's insane that I've lived to see the day I got married, honestly I didn't think I'd make it past twenty. Let alone twenty-one. James had been released from the hospital, since I arragenged the seating, I placed him front row. Along with Alex, Aaron and of course Theodosia.

Most of the guests weren't even my friends, Hercules just had a lot of family fly in for this. And I mean A LOT of family, over 40+ people. Thats just who we invited, we also gave open invitations for enxtentions. God, am I starting to regret that.

I'm currently pacing and trying to memorise these damn vows. How hard could it be right? Pretty motherfuckin' hard apparently. I grabbed a pen and scribbled the part I kept messing up onto my hand. We talked about how it was just going to be very laid back wedding. Nothing all too formal. So a glance down at my hand could be used as a joke but- shit I'm right handed. I stopped pacing and hit my head on the wall the door opened behind me causing me to turn around. Sam's suit was identical to mine, but in order to make sure he and I quote his words pull attention away from me. So I let him go with a simple grey suit. My suit was black, I had a classic white undershirt and a rainbow tie because, Hercules INSISTED that I borrow his. Said it would make him happy. So of course I did it.

Sam put his hands on my shoulders "What's wrong?" Sam asked casually. "I keep getting stuck on this one line but I wrote it on my hand, but I'm right handed so its on my left hand." He smiled "So? Just glance at it and make a joke out of it." Sam reccomended. He pulled me into a hug "It's okay if you forget something. Don't be nervous. If you do, just focus on him." He pulled out of the hug and walked me out

{So because I'm lazy (and a dick) I'm skipping all the begining, and skipping straight to vows. Woo.}

"Lafayette?" I glanced down to my left hand "Sorry just, needed a quick reminder." I joked causing the everyone to laugh. Yes it worked. Alright, don't fuck up.

"Hercules, your eyes have the power to light up an entire to light up a room. I could get lost in your eyes for hours on end. You're always so patient and so nice and just an all around amazing person. I have never and will never me a person who may possibly out-do what you have done for me as a partner and as a friend, and I remember the day so clearly when I realised I wanted to wake up next to you every single day."


"Lafayette. You have given me the best not only college experiance but life experience. Comming home to you and waking up next to you has been just perfect. My job until the day you die, is to make sure you feel spectacular as you actually are. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am lost without you."

All I could do in that very moment was blush and stare into his eyes. Nothing else mattered anymore

Just him.

{Time skip because we all now how this goes}

I sat at the table not bothering with food, all I cared about was Hercules. Sam, John (Hercules' best man), Hercules, James and I all shared a table. I couldn't take my eyes off of my now husband. The name still tingled in my mouth everytime I said it. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, I turned around seeing James "Lag, I'm gonna head off, but congratulations." He smiled, I nodded "thanks for coming mon ami." He nodded and stood up. I looked back to Hercules "How you feeling?" Herc asked quietly "Perfect." He smiled "Then I'm doing my job right." And with that he kissed me, although I'd grown used to it, sparks flew at his touch. I smiled into the kiss as he pulled away.

"So where are you two honeymoonin?" John asked holding Alex's hand. I shrugged. "I guess we haven't really talked about it." Herc said then sipped his drink. I admired Herc while he talked to other people. I never really left the table. I rarely spoke to anyone. Considering the fact that bascially everyone there was just Herc's family.




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