{19} Sinners and the saints

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Lafayette p.o.v.

I lied on the bed staring at the ceiling. My wedding is less than a week away. All that I can think of is Hercules. We've had extensive conversations wether I was going to take his last name or not. He decided I had enough names as is. I'm just staring at the ceiling here, lost in thought. It just hit me that I was in silence. I think Hercules has made me comfortable in silence. And yet made me unable to sleep alone. Weird huh?

The door opened and closed slowly. I looked over seeing Herc walk into the room "Hey." He spoke. "Yo." I responded quietly "Are you tired?" He took off his shirt and jumped into bed. I shrugged "non, why do you ask mon amour?" He smiled widely "Just in the mood today." I blushed slightly. It's almost like we don't need a propper description of what we're talking about "Laf?" I hummed in response "What're ya thinking?" He smirked lustfully. I felt my face heat up slightly. I shrugged a bit as he climbed on top of me. He kissed me, with tounge imidietly. I kissed back slowly. He pulled back slightly to speak "I know there's the superstition about having sex so close to the wedding, so I get it if-" I pulled him back into the kiss. I pulled back barley "Superstions are bullshit" he smirked "Agreed." He kissed me harshly yet again.

{Imagination time! Fuck it I leave the smut right there just like before. Prepare your asses for the rest of this!}

Waking up next to Hercules hadn't happened in over a month, so it was a pleasant suprise to see that he was in bed. With me. I got up and got dressed quickly, I looked at my phone's calender and checked the day

10:59 AM

Merde. I sighed quietly taking my phone, keys and backpack casually. The second I walked to the door I heard Herc wake up zut I turnned around he waved to me "Hey, I'm just going to-" "Class. I know. Be safe." he finished for me and yawned in the process. I nodded and walked out closing the door behind me. Sam was sitting on the couch with King George.

"Bonjour mes amis." I greeted smiling and waving Samuel waved to me "Headed to class already?" He asked. I nodded "Its just within walking distance, I've done it for about 5 months now. Nothing new." I responded shrugging and walking to the door. "Okay, but if you ever need a ride, just ask. Please?" I nodded and left.

Alright. I started walking to campus I looked across the street baise, I was so close! A familar face showed up. Just Alexander, nothing too random. I now was obligated to engage in conversation. Forcing me to talk about my wedding. I took a deep breath and walked across the street. I made it to Alex who waved at me then high fived me once I got across the street. "I heard we're in for a storm later today. You'll be with John I take it mon ami?" He nodded. "I hate to say it but I'm missing my last class to prevent having a panic attack in front of anyone." I nodded "fair enough. We'll bring you guys snacks." I responded smiling.

I stepped into the building holding the door open for Alexander. I followed him to his first class, our line up on Monday's were basically the exact same thing. He opened the door for me in History. I sat down attracting Aaron to sit next to me and Alex to do the same "I heard you guys almost killed each other once, what's the story behind that?" I asked glaring at both of them.

Aaron burried his face in his hands and Alexander smirked "Well Lafayette, if you must know. Burr challenged me to a fight. He practically snapped my neck, all because I didn't vote for him as student body." He said a devilish grin spreading acros his face. I turn to see Aaron mad blushing while staring at the ceiling. I giggled a bit I'd never seen Burr so nervous.

{Time skippp}

I stepped Into my dorm room staring at my phone, I had gotten another message from Thomas, this time I was quite reluctant to listen to it

Hey Laf, sorry about the other day...I was drunk again..and I messed up. Big time.and I know you may not want to talk to me...expecially right now... But James is really sick right now... And..faint sniffling he want's to see you. He said you're one of the best friends he's ever had and.. Quiet crying h-he...he just wants to say goodbye...he's seen me already and they're taking him off the machine as soon as you leave his side...his health insurance with only cover him for another day...please laffy if not for me, then for James...Jemmy's gonna be gone and his last wish was to see you he said you can bring Hercules if you want...bye Lafayette.

My eyes widened as I hung up my voicemail and ran to my bedroom, no Herc here I booked it to his work room. He was on his computer responding to emails was my guess "Hercules..." My voice broke. God this is gonna be hard. "James...Madison is in the hospital...they're giving up after I see him. It's.." I started crying a little. "It's his last wish.." Hercules closed his computer and pulled on shoes

"What hospital?" Hercules asked dragging me to his car and opening my door then jumping in not bothering to put his seatbelt on "Nearest to the dorms I'm guessing." I started crying involuntarily, I just couldn't stop the tears from flowing. Before I knew it we were at the Hospital. I walked in with Herc. Standing at the counter "Have you a James Madison here?" The lady at the counter nodded "Family?" I sighed. They wouldn't let me in if I said no I guess "Yes." She nodded again "room. 1834" I dragged Hercules to his room standing outside.

The smell of the hospital brought back so many memories of my dad it isn't pretty.

I walked in to see James with his mother by the bed. I stepped over to him "Laf? You came?" He sat up slowly I nodded and hugged him "So what's this about your health care not being able to cover this mon ami?" I asked fighting back the tears. "I can't afford the medication and...the treatment...I'm actually dying right now." I swallowed don't cry right now "I wish I could do something to help you but...I'm just about as 'wealthy' as you are" I giggled a bit at my own words trying to lighten the mood. He smiled and held my hand "Lafayette?" I hummed "Thank you." I felt myself Cry a little. I wiped my face I shook my head "The pleasure's all my mon ami." I hugged him again.

Teach me how to say goodbye.

"Laf?" I hummed and pulled out of the hug "Are you sad or scared?" I took a shaky breath "sad..?" I responded quietly "Is it because it's me or it reminds you of your dad?" I guess I hadn't thought of that "Both..?" A few tears rolled down his face as he nodded. I hugged him again

"Teach me how to say goodbye?" I wiped his face and nodded. "I've lost so many people and have been unable to die but..hah. Here we are. I have cancer, and I'm dying in my friends arms." I pulled him into another hug "You'll be safe..." I cried even more at my own words. He nodded clearly holding back tears of his own. The smell of the hospital room, the salty taste of tears...the feeling...all too familiar.

A moment alone in the shade

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