[7] The Story of Tonight

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Jefferson P.O.V.

Am I hearing right? Did he just say that? Is he okay? Is it just major asthma?

"What?" Alexander chimed in "Really?" Hercules asked. Laf never took his eyes off of me. He was more of the audience than the  actor. My ears started to ring. James sat on the couch next to me "I-I just got back from the doctors." He did what I told him? I recommended the night before that he should go get his lungs checked out. But I didn't expect him to actually listen to me. I held his hand as he continued

  "Thomas told me to go last night and I kinda follow his orders." He does? "Hey, its just good you're still breathing" Lafayette answered. He could choke to death in his fucking sleep... "Yeah, that sucks man." Hercules included. I guess everyone cared now..I heard my heart beating in my ears, I felt my pulse in my neck. I want to cry... "If it wasn't for Tommy I wouldn't have even gone." he squeezed my hand. That stupid nick name...he's the only person who really gives a shit anymore.

"Thomas?" Everything stopped as I moved my eyes from the coffee table that Alexander was sitting on to James "You alright?" I nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?" Damn do I get defensive..why did I have to argue all the damn time... "Just wondering" He responded, I stood up and all eyes went on me, I felt the necessity to state my mission. "I'm going to the bathroom,Jeez." I did my normal strut to the bathroom and locked the door. I sat in the bathtub and thought to myself

he won't outlive you.. I may not live to see our glory when he's gone nobody'll make you feel real anymore... But I have gladly joined the fight no..don't think like that, negativity with just make his health worse and when our children tell our story damnit stop crying... They'll tell the story of tonight.

  I cried in silence for a few moments, I heard the others talking as I sobbed for a while, I then turned on the sink, my eyes were bloodshot. Goddamnit. I splashed my face with water, ill say it was my contacts and I hit myself in the eyes. I took out my contacts and placed my glasses on then walkes out taking shaky breaths, I sat back down. James looked at me with worry "Your eyes are blood red."

  I shrugged "I kept hitting myself in the eye while I took my contacts out." He knew I was lying but he sighed and looked back at Alex .Alex  held John's hand and stood "Well we should be going" John shrugged as they left. I stared at the empty space in the room I felt a hand on top of mine "You can tell me if something bothering you" James held my hand I sighed "I'm fiNe" my voice cracked. So convencing Jefferson. Nice going.

   He put his hand on my face. He knows me so well... I felt myself begin to cry lightly "Tommy whats wrong?" Laf asked sitting on our coffee table looking a me. I felt James wipe my face with his hand. He always knows how to calm me down.. "I'm good." He shakes his head "No your not." Laf commented again "I may not like you but somethings wrong and you can't bullshit us." Hercules added on. Damnit, why am I starting to want to be this guys friend? I sighed deeply. James hugged me so I put my hands up and slowly hugged him back, next thing I knew we had a group hug going when we all pulled away I sniffeled. Damn involintary movments. James looks me

"Are you worried?" He stared into my eyes for a minute. He reads me like a book.. "Don't be, I promise I'll be okay." He put his hands on my face again. Damnit... "Who's your roomate mon ami?" James sighed heavily "Jaymes reynolds." Laf stared daggers at him. I knew he was a dick, but laf never looks like that. He must be pissed. "you can stay here mon ami."

James' eyes lit up. I love seeing him like that "Really?!" He nodded "oh my god thank you!" He ran up to Laf and hugged him. I looked at Hercules who seemed to be zoned out thinking about something. "I'm gonna go to bed" Laf yawned and stood up "Do you uh..want me to stay?" Laf nodded and walked the his bedroom, Hercules followed closely behind

Lafayette p.o.v.

"Hercules, I'm worried." Thomas seemed really worked up about this. He cried for shits sake and we all know its not because of his contacts being difficult to get out. "About, Madison?" I shook my head slightly while pacing. I mean of course I'm worried about Madison but mt best friend cryed "I've never seen Thomas cry before.." I paced faster "he'll be okay, laf." I shook my head "No, he doesn't cry like that. I'm genuinely worried about mon ami." I started rambaling in French Hercules came over to me and made me stand still "It's okay."

When I'm in panic like this my knowledge of English fades "Je suis désolé, je suis juste inquiet pour Thomas.." (I'm sorry, I'm just worried about Thomas) "is french more comforting to you?" "Oui" he kissed me gently "Ça va aller mon amour" (Its gonna be okay my love)

I forgot he knew french. "Il s'inquiétait de James ... et im inquiet pour lui.." (hes worried about james..and im worried about him..) I responded trying to calm down. Hercules kissed me, it felt like an eternity, It ended all too soon. "I'm sorry.." He held my face in his hands "No need to be." "James is gonna be okay, and if he...loses then, we'll teach Thomas to say goodbye."

He kissed me again. Everytime he touched me I felt safe. I nodded "You should get some sleep." I guess I'd lost track of time. I sighed and nodded "You can leave if you want." He shrugged "Only if you want me to." He held my hands "I don't mind..." He nodded and kissed my forehead "I promise, ill come back tommorow" I nodded and walked out, I climbed into bed and checked my phone. Zut, not another group chat. 

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