[8] Cool Guys Club

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Cool guys club

Sass-ifras: really you guys?

TJeff: I feel SO welcomed (not)

This guys is non-stop: You can totally leave if you want.

Sickturtleking: I don't have Burrs digits so Herc has to add him

###_###_#### has been added

This guy is non-stop: Does anyone else find it weird that French Bread hasn't said anything yet?

###_###_####: which one? *lenny face*

Sass-ifras: the other one, duh. Probably sleeping

You: wait me or Thomas?

This guys is non-stop: You, obviously.

Sass-ifras: alex refers to him as "Jeffershit" so theres no confusion here

This guy is non-stop: Be quiet, asshole.

Sickturtleking: please stop arguing

You: this is pretty heated.

Bursar: Yeah.

###_###_#### has been added

###_###_####: Uh..

Tjeff: okay, who the hell added James?

###_###_####<New Contact<Jeep.

This guy is non-stop: Alas, I admit it.

Sickturtleking: so o Jeffershit, how's the hubby doin'?

Tjeffs: Okay 1) we arent married and 2) he's asleep.

Sass-ifras: laf, go check on them.

Tjeffs: NODNT

You: guys I have classes tommorow can I please go to bed?

This guy is non-stop: FUCK NO, SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!

You: well it looks like I'm weak then.

This guy is non-stop: Thats it, I'm making a skype group call, everyone text their skypes.

Sass-ifras: Tailors_Apprentice

TJeffs: I_wrote_em

Sickturtleking: Crazy turtle boy

Jeep: James Jefferson

You: Fighting Frenchman

Bursar: Deathdoesntdiscrimonate

Incoming Skype call


I just want sleep." I said grogily

"Go to bed Laf" Hercules commented

"Why does nobody but me have their camera on?" Alex asked when he was on his phone

I_wrote_em joined the call

"I'm going to sleep soon" he turned on his camera showing James laying in the bed next to him. They were probably just cuddling.

I muted my Mic and yawned before turning my camera on and placing my phone on my nightstand

"Yay! More cameras!" Alex said

Crazy turtle boy joined the call

"Yo!" John said excitedly.

I unmuted my mic and layed back down "Guys, its one in the morning"

James giggled

John sighed "You need to sleep Alexander"

"I haven't slept in a week."

"How are you not tired?!" Hercules slightly yelled

Alex shrugged "Writing is my coffee"

John facepalmed "I'm gonna hide it from you tommorow and you're catching up on sleep."

Alex pouted.

I yawned quietly and covered my mouth

Hercules 'awed' "You're so adorible Laf"

I felt my face start to heat up "I'm turing off my camera." I prepared to shut it off but was bumbarded with no's so didn't

Deathdoesntdiscrimonate joined the call

Alex sighed loudly "Hey, Burr."

Aaron's camera was sitting on his dresser. "I'm too tall for this bullshit." He adjusted his camera.

I smiled trying not to laugh

"Jemmy's falling asleep so I'm gonna go." James waved at the camera as they left the call.

I_wrote_em left the call

"Laf I feel bad for you." Alex said

"Why?" I asked

"Because I bet you they're gonna fuck and the walls are hella thin"

"Thats it." John dropped his phone and I think walked into Alex's bedroom and they bickered about the laptop until-

Turn around, bend over. has left the call

"Oh shit." Burr said Quietly

John picked his phone back up "okay, I'm back"

Everyone went silent

Sass- ifras (1:43 AM)
You seein' this shit?

You: yep.

Burr yawned quietly "I'm going to bed. Night guys."

Everyone said "goodnight"

Deathdoesntdiscrimonate left the call

"I should probably do the same" John sighed out "See you guys tommorow."

Crazy turtle boy has left the chat

"So that just leaves us." Hercules stated casually

"Yeah." I repositioned myself

"Well, you go to sleep"

"Okay." I picked up my phone "Je T'amie."

"I love you too. Good Night"

"Bonne Nuit"

I left the call and put my phone back on the nightstand, not bothering to plug it back in. I thought about Hercules until I fell asleep


Okay, I promise I'll get less Jeffmads in next chapter, it'll be all Mullette I promise (please dont kill me)

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