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I walk down the stairs to the kitchen and see that Martinus is already there. He's texting someone while he's eating.

"Good morning." I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. He just makes a random sound but doesn't say anything.

I roll my eyes and get some breakfast. Martinus doesn't raise his head from his phone even once. When he finally does, it's so he can see which way he has to turn to go back upstairs.

Marcus passes him in the stairs and looks at me with a confused expression and I just shrug my shoulders.

"I think he can manage walking to school alone, I mean, he has his phone so I think he will be okay." I say and grab my bag.

I go to the hall and put on my shoes and jacket and leave the house followed by Marcus. He starts talking to me about something but I'm too deep in my own thoughts so I don't listen.

I pull the door and go inside. I put my coat in my locker and go find Marcus again. Martinus has come to the school too but he isn't with Marcus. And he doesn't know I can see him.

He's behind the corner talking with someone. I can't really see who, but I know it's a girl. Yea I know, he can talk to other girls too.

Martinus is laughing with the girl about something. Then the bell rings and she gives him a kiss on the cheek.

I quickly leave before Martinus can see me. I go to the classroom and take my seat. Martinus sits next to me.

"Hey why didn't you wait for me this morning?" He asks.

"Maybe if you would've raised your head from your phone for one second I could have but I thought you'd have more fun walking with that so I went with Marcus." I say not even looking at him.

"Are you mad at me?" Martinus takes my hand.

"What? Of course not. Why would I be?" I turn to him. He just shrugs his shoulders and turns to the front.

I quickly get out of the classroom when the lesson ends. I try to find Marcus and not long after I see him with his friends. I decide to join them.

"Hey Jens, why aren't you with Martinus?" Marcus asks.

"I decided to spend some time with my best friend instead." I smile. Marcus raises his eyebrow but doesn't ask any more questions.

Marcus' friends are telling some shitty jokes and I'm laughing at them. I haven't had this much fun in a while.

"Hey Jen, I was looking for you everywhere." Martinus says when he comes to us too.

"I was right here all the time." I say. Martinus puts his others arm around me and I lean to him. He gives me a small kiss on my head and all the guys start making some jokes about it.

I just smile because I like being in Martinus' arms. It feels safe, and warm. Especially now that it's -15 celsius degrees outside.

(un)happy // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now