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"Okay, and now we'll do pair assignments. Grab a pair that's close to you." The teacher says.

"Jens can you be my pair?" Marcus asks. I look over at Martinus.

"I can be with Elise if you wanna be with Marcus." Martinus says smiling a bit.

"O-okay I guess." I turn back to Marcus. "Okay Marcus I can be with you."

We start doing the project. Well we're not getting much done because we're just talking about something.

I look over at Martinus. He's doing the project with Elise. They seem to be getting along well. I swear I'm not jealous. Well maybe a little.

"Wanna go do it in the hallway?" I hear Elise ask. Martinus agrees to that and they leave the classroom.

"Hey they're just doing an assignment for school, don't be jealous." Marcus says.

"Why would you think I'm jealous?" I turn to him.

"Because you're kinda squeezing my hand really hard." I look down and quickly let go of Marcus hand.

"Yes maybe I am jealous but does it matter?" I sigh. Marcus just chuckles and continues to do the project.

We actually get something done which is kinda new from me and Marcus. We still have to finish the assignment at home because the class ends.

We can't find Martinus anywhere after school so we walk home just the two of us. We decide it would be better to finish the project now and not 1am when we're both tired.

The assignment is finally finished. It's already 5pm, I don't know why it took so much time to finish it.

I go downstairs to eat something and find Martinus in the kitchen. When did he get home?

"Hey where have you been?" I ask.

"Oh hey, I was at Elise's house doing the assignment." He says.

I don't say anything, I just grab a banana and start eating it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad or anything, I just, I don't know.

Martinus and Marcus are playing FIFA and I'm watching them. I'm sitting between Martinus' legs. It's a bit risky because if Martinus scores a goal he gets excited and may hit me in the head with the controller by accident.

"Yess! I won!" Martinus says excited and stands up. And of course I fall on the ground because I didn't see that coming.

"Good for you." I say holding my knee which I hit on the ground.

"I'm sorry babe." Martinus says chuckling a bit and pulling me up. I just roll my eyes. "Hey is everything okay?" He asks frowning a bit.

"Yes of course." I say smiling. Martinus smiles to me but then his phone rings so he quickly answers it.

I look at Marcus who looks back at me and just shrugs his shoulders.

"Hey it may just be Will or something." He says and pulls me to sit next to him. "That guy would never do anything bad to you."

"Hey guys, I have to go to uhh, Mike's house because he needs me with something." Martinus says when he gets back to the room.

"Can I have a kiss goodbye?" I ask. Martinus gives me a quick kiss on my forehead and then leaves. I look at Marcus again who just looks after his brother with a confused look.

"Hey don't worry. I don't know why he was so distracted but I'm sure it's nothing." He says.

"Yea you're right, I'm just gonna go to bed." I sigh and get up. I go to my room and climb under the covers.

I don't know how long it has been but I wake up to the front door closing downstairs. I look up at the roof and listen to what's happening.

Someone, Martinus, is coming up the stairs. He opens my room's door and peeks in. I quickly close my eyes and pretend that I'm sleeping.

He closes the door and leaves. I open my eyes again and look at the time. It's 12:03am. I don't wanna sound like a mom but it's way past his bedtime.

I sigh and decide not to let it bother me. I close my eyes again and try to fall back asleep.

(un)happy // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now