9- Creep

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Im trying as hard as i can to not make it rushed- but i, you will find, am an extremely thirsty person- so i guess a lot of things are going to happen sooner or later or maybe sooner or im possibly lying and its later no yeah you're right sooner~

There were times when waking up in the treehouse was the best thing in the world. The sun seeped through Tylers vision softly as the sounds of birds singing woke him. He smiled to himself and let his eyelids droop back down, embracing the warmth he was wrapped in. The melodies the chirping voices carried over the clearing brought him back away from his worries, in a cocoon of relaxation away from stress about family or friends or school...

His eyes shot back open as he sat straight up immediately. He jolted his body into action, overturning the blanket and scrambling for his watch, head immediately throbbing from the unwanted movement. He looked at the device, his face falling. Well crap. If he didnt hurry his ass up, he was going to be late.

Gathering the forgotten book from the night before and blinking rapidly he stumbled across the room and scaled down the old rope with a bit of effort. His brain was still clouded with sleep as he began hastily making his way away from the treehouse and with his head still aching he began sprinting towards his real one.

The golden sunlight glared of every surface, burning into his sensitive eyes, reminding him of how quick he needed to be. He couldnt afford to be late today. The auditions were today. He ran through the old door, scrambling up the stairs to slip on some random top he found on the floor. The material was tight and uncomfortable but he didnt give it another thought as he began twerking vigourously in attempt to pull on a pair of skinny jeans. The fabric was twisted slightly but he didnt have time to adjust it, slipping on the nearest shoes he could find and grabbed his backpack and thick framed glasses to his face. Without another thought, he was out the door again, running down the path towards his school, looking an absolute mess. He didnt even have time to do his hair. Dammit.

As he jogged down the road he attempted to form his quiffless hair into a look of some what decency... Which didnt work as well as he planned. Leaving it flat against his forehead, he took off his glasses and wiped them, frowning in annoyance at his bad vision. His mother used to tell him it was because of all the books he read, but he would always just wave her concerns away. Reading was a slight obsession and he didnt care if it damaged his vision. At least not most of the time anyway. He sped up again as he remembered the time.

He was out of breath by the time he was close to the school, panting and exhausted. He could see the other kids seeping through the gates- thank god! He wasnt late. Meaning... he just went through all that for nothing. Oh.
He smiled grimly as he rounded the outer gates. He could have easily have slept in for a bit longer and avoided the pounding headache he was currently burdened with. If he had ever had a hangover, thats what he would compare it with. But the biggest headache was yet to come- he had to endure a further six hours of school, at least the drama auditions were today. Looking around, he started to become furtherly pissed off, seeing as he was in fact early. Hardly anyone else was here apart from the dregs of students lurking around the benches down the sides of the main gates like they always did. It was like they sat there just so they could stare other students down as they walked through the gates, to intimidate them and make themselves feel better. At least it was better than a large crowd... People werent really his thing.

His face fell slightly as he caught a glimpse of a certain group lingering around the door to the main hall. These people were definitely not his thing.

They were mulling around in a tight group, a few of the boys laughing at something one of the girls had said. It was a humorless sound, making Tyler feel uncomfortable even from his position from at the bottom of the steps. He noted how a few of the guys were clutching a girl to them, hands on her hips and standing behing her as the seemingly compulsary couple position. It made him feel sick. There was no love in their almost-embrace, it looked as if the female was just a prize or an object the guy was showing off, as if he didnt actually care about her but more so the thought of her.

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