3- Asshole

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Troye Sivan. One of the biggest jerks in the school. Cold glare, sense of untouchable pride that he radiated from his posterboy features. Famous amongst the grade for having attitude and popularity Tyler could only dream of. Within him and his group, the whole year group was pretty much controlled, they could do whatever they wanted and no one was going to try to stop them or rat out to a teacher. If they did, they would be dead. Or wish they were.

Troye Sivan, one person Tyler could have lived his life without seeing. And the boys had the immense pleasure of running into him, with his group of idiots straight behind.

He watched helplessly as his best friend panicked in front of him. Connors eyes had widened and he gulped visibly, vision darting around the floor in attempt to avoid the boy. He was opening his mouth in attempt to speak, but closing it as he thought better of it. Tylers entire body tensed up as if ready to run away any second. Although, making a run for it didnt seem like such a bad idea now, they should have just walked straight past.

They seemed so pathetic- two figeting geeks under the target of someone they would never match up to. Tyler was scared- this was the type of careless confrontation he had tried to avoid throughout his entire time at the school and for a while, he had succeeded. But not anymore.
He was straight where he never wanted to be. Fixed under the hard glare of the kid in front of him, the rest of the kids in the crowded hallway backing off a bit, giving a safe distance to walk around them, completely aware of the authority Troye had somehow been granted.
The thought struck him that he could just walk away, just leave Connor to deal with it by himself. But he couldnt. Because Tyler was a good person. Dammit. Sometimes he wished he wasnt.

Troyes slim figure loomed over Connor, their height difference was almost nothing but the reputation Troye had was enough to make him seem a hundred times more intimidating than he actually was. He was actually quite lanky and would seem weak if not for his popularity. His dark brown hair was pulled back in a quiff, held back by some kind of sickly looking hair gel and the dark denim jacket over black skinny jeans he was wearing hung off his frame loosely. He looked like something out of a movie, a typical bully except maybe a little skinnier. But unfortunately, this was no movie.

Connor did nothing wrong, only bumped into him on accident in a crowded hallway, a guesture that would usually be ignored or forgiven within a second in the normal world. But this was Troye Sivan. This was the group of academic rejects at Rudford High. Nothing was forgiven when they were involved. A simple nudge would be seen as severe offense, it was as if you had to get permission before you even breathed in their direction. And here they were, standing in front of the very person they wished to never get the chance to be aknowledged by. This boy didnt exactly look happy either.

His ice blue eyes glared into Connors own with hard intensity. Tyler briefly thought they would be concidered pretty if they werent laced with the hate and anger that they always contained. His cold stare flickered between the two boys, his mouth pulled into an unimpressed line. What a dick. They did nothing wrong.

Tyler could see Connors body go rigid, fearing what would come next. He was expecting the worst, a push or punch or maybe a kick that most of the popular kids usually administered to anyone who invaded their space, angered them, or just happened to find themselves in the wrong place the wrong time. Both boys were surprised when he did none of these things. He only spoke.

"What the hell do you think you're doing. Stay away from us, dont you know who we are? Fucking idiots. We dont want to see you, dont let it happen again or we'll have to something about it."

His speech was rewarded from a few grunts and a slap on the back from the tight group of kids around him, before their attention averted back away from the two boys. Troyes words were harsh and Tyler winced at his tone, but athough still paralysed with fear, relief flooded through them as they realised that Troye could have knocked them out easily if he wanted to. It annoyed him that this was only a show of power, most likely to make Troye feel better about himself by being a dick to someone else. His voice was menacing, but there was something else behind it, something strange that the boy couldnt identify. He did not want to stay and find out.

Both boys cowered under the burning glare Troye was giving them. Looking at his eyes, they seemed to flicker for a second almost unnoticably before the death look continued.
They mumbled incoherent appologies, before sinking back into the lessened crowd, weaving and pushing desperately through the few last metres of teens to get to the doors. Out of the corner of his eye, Tyler watched as Troyes glare lingered on them, he could practically feel the gaze on his back, before his slim figure turned and joined back with the rest of the group. Wouldnt it be nice to be part of a group.

Tyler and Connor emerged from the halls, out of breath and sweating from their previous encounter. They hurridley turned a corner before leaning against the brick wall and sliding down onto the grass. They sat side by side, eyes closed, hearts still racing, waiting for the last dregs of students disapear from the schoolyard.

There was something so wrong about that group. As if something bad had happened to each and every one of them, twisting them and manipulating. They all seemed too sour and demented to be real. Troye for one, seemed to have a dick so far up his ass that he refused to see how a simple act of bumping into another kid in the hallway was nothing at all. It was like he needed something or someone to pick on constantly, as if it was the very thing that drove him on. He seemed to get something out of making others feel like shit. Troye Sivan was wrong.

"Well." Connor breathed out as he let his head rest back against the wall, unfathomably grateful to be out of that situation. "That could have gone a lot worse."

"Yeah. It could have."

"It was still pretty scary though." Connors breathing was a bit out, and the other boy could imagine how terrified he must have felt back there.


Connor seemed to think for a second before breaking out in a smile. Tyler was confused for a second when turned to look back at him. "Its kind of pathetic really. We're scared of teenagers- Tyler WE are teenagers!"

Tyler smiled but there was a slight sadness behind it.

After years of learning to stay invisible, years of working to make themselves unoticed they had practically blown it all. That was an overreaction but it still felt the same. They did nothing, but with their current situation and social standing, they didnt have to. Easy targets to pick on, their invisibility shield had just been lifted with the new attention. Tyler hoped to god that Troye would not remember or hold them to it. He was such a jerk.

"Tyler? If you had to describe Troye in one word, what would it be?"
Tyler thought for a bit, picking mindlessly at the blades of grass while calming his breathing.

"Asshole." He stated truthfully.
"Asshole."Connor agreed.

~This is like the length of ingredients on a milk bottle smh mell~

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