1- School Halls

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Tylers face scrunched up as he pushed past yet another slutty couple sucking face in the hallway. Couldn't they find another place to make out?
It was always like this here. People he didnt care about clogging up his already uneventful time. He sighed, brushing his floppy hair away from his eyes, the overdramatic guesture finding its way into his natural reaction without permission. He hated it here. Weaving through the noisy, obnoxious and sweaty sea of bodies at Rudford High was definitely not his ideal way of spending the day. Yet somehow he found himself doing it, again and again, as the days turned into weeks and months. A large chunk out of his 15 years of life. The years he would never get back. His life was pretty sad to admit it.

He ducked past the couple in a state of poorly masked disgust, taking note of the girls long bleached hair and skinny frame, the boys snapback and obscene amount of hair gel. Typical high school appearance.
School had not been anything like he expected, the overwhelming cringe-worthy cliches physically paining him. This was the type of thing you read about in books and all those movies, the groups of students each sorted into their own stereotypical catagories- and with that came different levels of popularity. Although it wasnt as nearly as exaggerated, it still sucked. It wasnt supposed to be like this, it wasnt supposed to live up to all those crappy expectations of school. But it did.

At least the one group of people he really couldnt stand werent in sight. If he had to encounter them he wasnt sure he would be able to survive the rest of the day. The kids that ran the whole place, their twisted smiles and idiotic attitudes. You would think that popularity would be based of their ability to be well liked amongst their peers, but that wasnt how it worked here. The way to get popular was to make others scared of you, pertrified. Unable to stand up to you. Then you would rise to the top. But Tyler saw absolutely no appeal in doing so.
The group of so called 'popular' kids was nothing he wanted to get involved in. From Caspar Lee, the slut of a boy, to Troye Sivan, the biggest jerk known to human kind, the group was just plain trouble. And Tyler had learnt to stay well away from trouble.

Coming back from maths class was not improving his mood either. Although like every other subject, he managed to achieve straight A's in it, he did not lose the primal hate for the lesson he had to enjure several times a week. He pulled through things he didnt understand by studying, recklessly, through the hours of the night until he could finally grasp the concept of whatever he was being taught.

People assumed he was just naturally smart, but he worked for it. Being good at school was the only reputaion he had, so he sort of had to keep it, or he would have quite simply nothing going for him. Bad looks, low self confidence and not a single scrap of popularity to be found, he doubted almost everything about himself.

So he had to soldier on through the grueling maths lesson. It was one of his least favourite subjects, with triganomatry going straight over his head and the theories of linear equations hiding themselves from his acidemic abilities. The teacher, Mrs Hart, wasnt much help in times of need. Although she did have the ability to make puns that made everyone in the class laugh, she didnt know that much about maths. The class was usually given a somewhat entertaining run through of what the lessons would be about before textbooks were handed out, ready to be completed. Textbooks that contained equations Tyler had no idea how to work out and formulas he had no interest in decoding.
So much math, so little shit to give.

Its not like he hated the lessons he was given. The teachers werent so bad, its just the students rebelled against them too much. The will of teaching had seeped out of a lot of them. From English class with the quiet Mr Lester who seemed to be afraid of his students to a socially awkward, stuttering Mr Howell who ironically taught social studies, the students in school had the one up on the teachers.

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