8- Hideaway

2.3K 189 149

~So we hit 10K. Wow. This has been a super side project of mine since it started, just something i would half-ass when i was bored, im putting most of my effort into other writing projects tbh. And to get 10 000 reads from it? That is actually inslayne. Thank you so much.

After a session that held immense dissapointment, fear and worry, Tyler was finally released from the prison formally known as school. Was it bad that these emotions were quickly becoming regular for him? So much had happened in such a short span of time- so much unwanted negativity that he really didnt need right now. Life pretty much sucked the way it was without the added problems the day had brought for him- the problems in the form of two particular boys.
He slung his backpack over his shoulder wearily, sick of the deja vu it presented him with and began the long and somewhat frightening walk home.

He hated walking by himself-he looked even more alone and vunerable than he usually did. The loud obnoxious voices of other teenagers slowly faded in his ears as he kept his head down, but it didnt stop the constant anxiety that he was almost always consumed with.
One of his biggest fears was being by himself amongst these people, he felt as if he was submerged in a strong current and he couldnt touch the bottom. So out of place, so far away from the reasurring saftey he could never quite reach. Hearing other voices or being around a group of people he didnt know was terrifing. Even though he was a teenager himself, he never failed to be scared around others.

He was slumped over and any scrap of enthusiasm he had was long since drained from his body. He was just so done at the moment, wanting to curl up into the ball of dissapointment that he was and have no further interaction with humans. He wanted to get as far away from this place as he could, get out with a book or a sketch pad or soley his thoughts. Anything was better than this. It was funny how his view on school had changed so much in just a few months- for the worst.
Maybe it was because as he got older, things seemed to matter a lot more. Who you hung out with, what you wore, what you said- everything. He was starting to look at school in a much more negative way now... And two boys in particular were not helping to improve his attitude.

Two of the most popular boys in the school. Two of the biggest jerks. Two of the meanest as well. And they had to be in his class. Out of the 25 different subject classes available in the school- his one. Tyler had always had bad luck, but he thought this might be taking it too far. It was as if someone had pinpointed one of the only things that made him happy in life and decided to put a negative spin on it because they had nothing better to do.
It may have sounded like he was overreacting to anyone else, but this was in fact a very, very big deal. Troye Sivan and Caspar Lee, his new classmates.

How was he supposed to enjoy his time with them looming over him? Sure, it was only two sessions a week, but those classes felt like they would last a lifetime if they were there. He would feel so pressured. Although he was usually good at handling stressful situations, he wasnt sure how he was going to get over this one.
He was anxious and shy at the best of times, he had never been a very sociable person and the whole concept of being around people with a higher social standing for this amount of time and then be expected to still perform at his best- it petrified him.
AND THE PLAY. His mind suddenly bombarded with new thoughts and worry as he remembered. What about the play?

How the hell was he supposed to stand up and act in front of them?! How was he suposed to perform alongside them, on stage for everyone to see? They wouldnt co-operate up there, there was no way they would make things easy for him willingly.
Or maybe they would get a part behind stage or something. Actually, that would be the best idea. If they somehow found a way to get into one of the major roles, Tyler was certain they would not stop until they found a way to fuck it up for everybody. Since when had those boys ever cared about their grades?

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