The reason why I haven't updated this week

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I know that for a small while I haven't posted as regularly as I did before, but this time, I have a reason that I find valid. Not that the others weren't valid, I just feel like you guys would understand this reason a bit more than any other reason I could actually give you.

It all started on Tuesday. (Damn Tuesdays!) On Tuesday, me and my best friend decided to go to the movies and watch Maze Runner. Everything was fine, we went to the movies and everything. But at about 1/4 of the movie, I started to have trouble breathing.

By the way, I have really bad Asthma, if you guys didn't know. A doctor even called it Chronic Asthma once.

So yeah, 1/4 of the movie, I couldn't breathe properly. I just brushed it off telling myself I just needed my inhaler, which I hadn't brought with me, and just watched the movie. We watched the movie then went to the bus stop because my friend had to take the bus to get to her house while I had to walk. I wasn't far, Thank god, but I had to walk. My friend also wasn't feeling well since she was sick and everything, so yeah.

I got back home and normally, my plan was to get home and write my chapters of Supernatural, since I post every Tuesdays, but I had so much trouble breathing and every time I took a breath it felt like someone was stabbing me through the lungs with a knife. So, instead, I took a shower, hoping the hot water and the fog would help, which it did for a while. Then I took my inhaler, it lasted for thirty minutes (it's supposed to last for a minimum of 4 hours) but I just brushed it off and went to bed.

Next day, I go to school. My best friend isn't there since she is sick, but I decided to go anyways because I'm just crazy like that. At lunch time, my friend asked me to go to McDonald's with him since he wanted to eat there. I said yes and we walked over there. While we were walking there, I started to have this aching pain in the right side of my upper back. Like a stabbing pain. Again it was when I breathed. (I still had trouble breathing and it was still hurting me in my lungs. Well, more in my Thorax area.)

Again, I brushed it off, went to the restaurant and eventually the pain in my back stopped. It would only come when I tried to take a deep breath. The other pain though, didn't leave.

We went back to school went through the day and I got home. My mom obviously saw something was wrong, she already knew but wasn't able to get any appointment with a doctor. I told her and she said she'd try again.

Now, I hadn't been able to sleep that much on Tuesday or Wednesday. When you sleep, you can't control your breathing, so the aching pains would wake me up every twenty minutes or so. So yeah, I didn't sleep that much.

On Thursday. The pain was at its worst. I could only take small breaths and my lungs were making this horrible sound as if my lungs were chalkboard and nails were scraping against it. I kid you not, it sounded like that. And, to up it it up a notch, I was now coughing because of how bad it was. 

My mom heard me cough because the kindergarten is literally right next to my room and she told me to lay back in bed because she was trying to get me an appointment at any doctor's office that would take me.

At about 10:30, she told me that she had gotten a doctor's appointment at her doctor. She had been on the phone since 6:45 that morning. The appointment was at 4:30 that afternoon.

So, I stayed home and tried to sleep, which did not work. At 4:00 my mom tells me we gotta go. I get dressed and take my inhaler once. Five minutes later, I need it again. It was as if I hadn't taken it in the first place. And I hadn't brought it with me (which was a really stupid move, I know, you can yell at me.)

We got to the doctor's office and we passed about 30 minutes later, which was exactly the time of the appointment. The lady took my vitals and she was worried because, like I said, my lungs were making this nails on chalkboard sound (which isn't normal if you hadn't guessed.) She made me take a test which is, basically, me blowing in a tube to see the pressure in my lungs or something. The machine said 240.

For a 16 year old girl like me of 5'4, the normal number is 475.

She did more tests and told us we had to get to the hospital because I was having kind of an Asthma Attack, but worse than an Asthma Attack. There was another word, but she said it way to fast for me or my mother to understand what it was.

I kid you not, at that point, I had started to cry because of the pain.

They almost made me go in an ambulance, but since my mom had a car, they told her to go straight to the hospital. Which we did.

I don't know if every hospital is this way, but let me explain how it is in this hospital.

You get there, you take a paper with a number on it, they call you and you go in a small room where they evaluate you an take your vitals and everything. (That first guy was really rude). Then you have to wait to be called at the inscription and everything and they place you with a priority number.

I was P2, which means really urgent. The literal description is patient with a case that can be threatening for the life of the individual. P1 is reanimation. You don't stay in the waiting room when you are P1.

The waiting was of 27 hours that day. We all knew I probably wouldn't be able to stay like this for 27 hours. Even strangers were coming up to me asking what was happening since they could hear my lungs doing that noise and everything.

At one point, my mom took me back to another nurse at the evaluation room. He was nice. He said that on top of my Asthma Attack, I was hyperventilating and that if I didn't find a way to calm my breathing, I could go into shock.

I definitely did not want to go into shock.

They placed me in a wheelchair and we waited. We got there at about 5:00 o'clock.

We passed at 10:30 that night.

They gave me two treatments. The treatment consists in a mask of oxygen being placed on my face for about ten minutes. They give me oxygen and a dilated form of one of my inhalers. Then they give me a pill called Cortisone (I don't know if that is what it is called in English because my first language is actually French so yeah...) they said that they would make me take that pill for three days as another treatment kind of thing.

Long story short, they kept me until Friday at about 9 or 10 o'clock in the morning. They wanted to be sure I wouldn't fall back into the Attack since it triggered out of nowhere. I am not sick. I was not sick. There was no trigger. I was literally at the movies. Because yes, according to the doctors, I was in an Asthma Attack for three whole days.

On Friday I got home and slept until one o'clock because my mom took me to my family's since they were worried. We got home later that night and i slept until 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday. It was crazy. I hadn't been able to sleep for three days and i hadn't been able to breathe properly. I needed to sleep.

So yeah.. that is pretty much why I didn't update and I wanted to share it because I feel like it was a valid enough reason.

Hope you understand💋

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