Chapter 六

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

"So you think they kidnapped Heather to turn her?" Stiles asked his best friend.
They had just gotten out of Coach's class and were talking about the conversation Stiles had had. Kylie was, as usual, in her brother's arms. "Derek says it's easier to turn teenagers- or children like Kylie."

"But what would an Alpha pack want with a Beta?" Scott asked in confusion.

"Scott, I don't know. I don't care. Alright?" Stiles frantically said. "This girl... our moms were best friends before mine died, alright? We used to take frickin' bubble baths together when we were three, sorry Kylie." He added, used to the child's antics. "I gotta find her."

Scott looked at his best friend's determined, but sad gaze and quickly became determined too. He readjusted Kylie on his hip and thought.

"Then we need Isaac to remember." He stated.

"How?" Stiles asked. "Peter and Derek couldn't do it. You know any Werewolves with a better trick?"

Kylie tilted her head and raised her hand.

"I do." He boys looked at her and stopped walking. "But he's not a Werewolf." They looked confused as the foot years old grinned. "He helps though." She shrugged.

The boys looked at each other with a frown, but listened to what the small child had to say.

They soon found themselves in the Animal Clinic where Deaton had a tub of water ready and Scott, Stiles and Derek were filling it with ice. Isaac was off to the side with Deaton eyeing it a bit freaked out, holding Kylie in his arms, who had noticed how upset the Beta was and had wanted to console him.

"Obviously, it's not going to be particularly... comfortable," Deaton said to him. "But, if we could slow your heart rate down enough then you'll slip into a trance like state."

"Like, being hypnotized?" Isaac asked him.

Deaton nodded.

"Exactly. You'll be half-transformed. It will allow us to access your subconscious mind." The vet said.

Isaac eyed the tub, his grip subconsciously getting tighter on Kylie as he felt fear in the bottom of his stomach.

"How slow does his heart rate need to be?" Scott asked.

"Very slow." Deaton replied.

"Well, how slow is very slow?" Derek asked, worried for his Beta.

"Nearly dead." The veterinarian shrugged.

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