Chapter 一

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3rd P.O.V

"Boy," The man said giving it a look. "Good thing you drew me a picture."

Scott just smiled at the man.

"Hey, Scott, sure you don't something like this?" Stiles said over from here he stood with Kylie, looking at different tattoos. This one looked a lot like a Kanima. Scott gave him a look. "Too soon?" He nodded to himself, answering his own question.

"I want something like that!" Kylie said, pointing at the lizard figure.

"You're not getting a tattoo, Ky. Remember, we talked about this." Stiles said, putting the picture away.

"But Scotty is getting one!" The now four years old protested.

"Yes, and I am older than you, so I can." Scott said.

Kylie huffed.

"I don't know, man, are you sure about this? Because these things are pretty permanent, you know?" Stiles asked.

Scott smiled as the artist sat next to him.

"I'm not changing my mind." He denied.

He really wanted that tattoo.

"Okay, but why two bands?" Stiles asked.

Scott shrugged.

"I just like it." He replied.

"Well, don't you think that your first tattoo should be something memorable?"

"Getting a tattoo means something," Scott argued.

"He's right," Said the artist. "Tattoos go back thousands of years. The Tahitian word tattua means: To leave a mark. Like a rite of passage."

"Yeah," Scott said nodding and turning back to Stiles. "See? He gets it."

"He's covered in tattoos, Scott." Stiles replied, trying to make his point. "Literally."

"Well, I think they're cool." Kylie piped up.

The man chuckled.

"Thank you, little lady." He said, before turning to Scott. "You ready?" Scott nodded his head and let himself lie back into the chair. The artist held up the tool. "You don't have any problems with needles do you?"

"Nope." Scott shook his head.

"I tend to get a little squeamish though, so..." Stiles trailed off as he watched the artist start to tattoo his best friend.

"Oh, man." Scott muttered as his best friend fainted.

Kylie walked over to Stiles and pushed his head with her feet.


A little while later, Stiles buckled Kylie up, trying to hold an ice pack to his head, then he sat in the driver's seat and turned to Scott.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Kinda burns." Scott hissed.

"Yes, you just had your skin stabbed about a hundred thousand times, with a needle." Stiles stated.

Scott shook his head.

"I don't think it's supposed to feel like this though." He said.

Suddenly Scott jumped which made Stiles jump too. Scott now was starting to groan out like he was in pain.

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