Chapter 二十六

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3rd P.O.V

Lydia, Isaac and Deaton were sitting in the animal clinic, silently watching the tubs of water. The ice of the tubs had long melted but the four inside hadn't moved a muscle since they had dunked them in and held them until they stopped moving. It was beginning to seem like it didn't work at all and they had helped kill them. But then, the three teenagers shot straight up from the tubs as one, each taking hard deep breaths.

Deaton quickly moved and took Kylie, placing her on the metal table. He brought his ear to her chest as the others took their breath back.

"I saw it!" Scott cried out. "I know where it is!"

Stiles nodded as he moved to step out of the tub. "Yeah, there was a stump. A huge tree, well, it's not huge anymore. It was cut down but it's stillvbig though, very big."

"It was the night that we went looking for the body." Scott said looking at Stiles.

"Yeah, the same night you and Kylie were bitten by Peter," Stiles said.

"I was there too," Allison said to them. "Tje car, me and my mother, we almost hit someone."

"That was me!" Scott cried out. "You almost hit me!" They knew where to go now. He then turned to the others. "We can find it," he told them excitedly. Then is excitation went away when his eyes landed on Deaton, whom was pushing his hands against the child's chest. He strained his earing, but began panicking when he couldn't hear breathing. The others also noticed and they all stood up and crowded around Deaton. "What's happening?" Scott asked in panick.

"I feared this would happen." Deaton strained as he kept performing CPR. "An emotional tether is not meant to be alive."

They all held their breath as they stared at Kylie's chest, waiting for it to start moving again.

"Come on, Ky," Stiles breathed.

And as if a switch went on, Kylie sprang up and started coughing up water. Everyone sighed in relief as Kylie took deep breaths and kept coughing. Deaton took some covers and placed them on Kylie as she was shivering.

That's when Stiles, Scott and Allison felt that Lydia and Isaac weren't as excited as them. In fact, they looked like someone had just died.

"What?" Allison asked them.

Isaac went and put his hands into his pockets. "You guys were out for a long time."

Stiles wiped the water from his face. "How long is a long time?"

"Sixteen hours," Deaton answered, picking the child up to giver her warmth.

The three of them dropped their jaws a bit in shock.

"We've been in the water for sixteen hours?!" Scott's tone matched what the three of them were feeling on that.

Deaton nodded. "And the full moon rises in less than four."

The three of them moved to look over at each other.

"I've got to head back," said Scott as he wiped the water from his arms.

But Stiles ripped the towel from the top of his head and rigorously shook it. "No dude, you are not going back with them."

"I made a deal with Deucalion," he said back to him.

Stiles raised his hand out to everyone. "Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the Devil?"

Isaac was one that wasn't happy with it. "Why does it matter anyway?"

"Because I still don't think that we could beat Jennifer without their help," he argued.

Allison looked over at Deaton. "He trusts you more than anyone. Tell him, he's wrong,"

But Deaton just eyed Scott and saw his resolve. "I'm not so sure that he is," to the surprise of everyone in the room. "Circumstances like this sometimes require that you ally yourself with people you normally consider enemies," he tried to explain.

"So we're going to trust him?" Isaac dully asked. "The guy that calls himself 'Death, Destroyer of Worlds', we're gonna trust that guy?"

"I wouldn't trust him, no," Deaton said to him. "But, you could use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the ennemy, but he could also be the bait."

But before anything else could be said, the bell at the front door of the clinic rang. They all stilled as they heard the sound of someone walking in through the door. Deaton looked at them before he gave Kylie over to Stiles and moved over to see who it was. All the wolves reached out and picked up the scent of how walked in. They narrowed their eyes when they heard him speak.

"I'm looking for Lydia," Ethan said to Deaton.

Lydia walked off to stand next to Deaton but Scott and Stiles moved to stand protectively behind her. "What do you want?" she asked him.

Ethan looked over at her softly. "I need your help."

"With what?" Stiles asked him suspiciously.

Ethan's posture didn't change from the aggressive tone he was just given. He looked over at Stiles with the same look he had given Lydia. "Stopping my brother and Kali. From killing Derek."

Scott then walked over to Stiles and Kylie and tried to take his sister so he could leave, but she leaned away and instead gripped Stiles tighter. Scott watched in sadness before leaving.

Stiles was driving home to get something for Scott and Isaac with his dad's scent for them while they were going off for something with Allison's dad scent on it. They didn't have to worry about Scott's mom because they already knew her scent. Stiles got to his house and dashed up for his dad's room holding his phone with his shoulder to his ear as he had Kylie in his arms.

"I'm here," Stiles told him.

"Yeah," Scott said. "We're walking into the elevator now. We'll grab something with Allison's dad scent and bring it to the meeting spot. You grab something of your dad's."

Stiles then moved into his dad's room and froze. "Yeah...what do you think I should take?"

"Just grab anything," Scott said to him.

Stiles' eyes went to his dad's hamper and saw what was on the top. "Okay, I got his boxers."

Kylie giggled.

"Stiles," Scott cut in. "I'm not smelling your dad's boxers."

Stiles then looked down at what was underneath those. "How about his socks?"

"Socks... okay I'll smell the socks," his friend conceded.

"Alright, I'll see you guys soon." Stiles then hung up and then pocketed his dad's socks.

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