Chapter 五

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3rd P.O.V

"Okay, what would a pack of Alphas want with Erica and Boyd?" Stiles asked as they walked to school.

"I'm not sure it's them they want." Scott said, shaking his head.

"Okay, what, like Derek? Like they're recruiting?" Stiles asked.

Kylie suddenly stopped walking and stared at the twins who passed next to her and also shot her a look. One of them shot her a wink and they continued walking as if nothing had happened.

Feeling his sister not walking anymore as he was holding her by the hand, Scott also stopped and that's when he felt it. He turned around and looked at the twin's retreating backs.

"Hey, Scott." Stiles snapped him out of it. "You coming?"

Scott looked back to find the twins gone. He picked Kylie up and they made their way to their first class.

Over in Economics, Coach Finstock went and slammed the textbook down on the desk to draw everyone's attention.

"The stock market is based on two principles. What are they?" He asked the class. Scott raised his hand. Coach held his hands out to him. "Yes McCall, you can go to the bathroom." He said dismissively. "Anybody else?"

Scott lowered his hand.

"Uh, no Coach, I know the answer." He stated.

That made the Coach burst out in laughter. He stopped when he noticed the look in Scott's face.

"Oh, you're serious." Coach said.

"Yes. Risk and reward." Scott answered drawing most of the class to look at him.

And Coach's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"Wow! Who are you and what have you done to McCall? No, don't answer that. I like you better." He then looked out to the rest of the class. "Does anyone have a quarter?"

"Yep." Stiles said as he dived into his pocket.

He then pulled out a quarter but also made the condom that he still had in his pocket from last night shoot out and land a few feet from Coach's feet.

He moved and picked it up.

"Stilinski, I think you dropped this." He said as he handed it to him and got the quarter from him. "And congratulations." He whispered audibly to him making a few in the class laugh.

Kylie leaned towards her brother.

"What's that?" She asked him.

Scott chuckled.

"Don't worry about it, Ky. It's not for you." He told her.

Stiles quickly took the condom and put it back into his pocket as Coach continued to talk.

"Put the quarter in the mug, win the reward." He then took a mug from his desk and put it on the floor. "Okay, watch Coach." He moved a bit away and then flicked the quarter off as it bounced on the floor and then flew right into the mug drawing in applause. He then took the quarter back. "Okay... Danny. Risk or Reward?"

"What's the reward?" Danny asked.

"You don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow."

Danny straightened up.

"Coach, it's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it." He stated.

"Danny, I really expect more from you at this point. Really." He then went over to Scott. "McCall. Risk or Reward? The risk: if you don't put that quarter in the mug then you have to take the pop. The quiz." He quickly corrected himself. "And, and you have to write an essay. Risk: More Work. Reward: No work at all. Or don't play at all."

Scott looked over at the quarter.

"But, isn't this all chance?"

"No," Coach shook his head. "You know your abilities. Coordination. Focus. Past Experience. All factors affecting the outcome. So... what's it going to be McCall? More work, no work or choose not to play?"

Scott thought about it and decided to put the coin down.

"No play," Coach said as he snatched it up. "Okay. Then who will?" Stiles slammed his hands on his desk. "There you go! There's a gamblin' man! Come on, step up!"

Stiles went and focused his gaze on the cup and readied for his toss, but as he was getting ready, the sheriff entered the class.

"Stiles." Coach said to him as the door opened.

"Yeah, I got it Coach." He said keeping his eye on the cup.


This time he raised his eyes as it wasn't Coach that had spoken, but his dad. Stiles followed his father out of the class.

Coach then asked for someone else to step up. No one answered so his eyes fell on the only kid in the room.

"Would you like to try, baby McCall? As my assistant, you should be able to do this." Coach said.

Kylie frowned, thinking about it.

"Well, what's the risk and the re-rewar?" Kylie asked.

Coach narrowed his eyes.

"The risk... the risk is you... I don't know... the risk is you have to help me with the next game and the reward, well I've got some candy in my desk." Coach said.

Kylie looked at Scott who nodded at her, believing in his little sister and Kylie grinned.

"Okay, I'll do it." She decided.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" Coach exclaimed. "See that? A four year old is more courageous than all of you."

Kylie skipped to the front and took the quarter that Coach handed her. She then kneeled at the place where she had to throw the quarter. She then recalled every movement that the Coach had done before hand. Then, she used her own special abilities.

She raised the quarter and sent it to the ground. It bounced and, just like it had done with Coach it landed in the cup.

It was silent for a moment before everyone started clapping.

"Yes! That was awesome! Reward, baby McCall, reward!" Coach exclaimed.

Kylie giggled and skipped to her brother, who picked her up and sat her on his knees. Coach gave her a lollipop and others tried to do the risk and reward. Some failed and some got it. It was quite entertaining.

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