Chapter 1:

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Jordan's POV:

"Why mother why?!" I beg

"Because I needed this job and ur father is getting a rase" my mother said.


"Come on doesn't baby Jordan want to cry" my sister said in her baby voice, I gave her a look and she laugh, I sat there on the plane and did nothing.


We got off the plane and we were in Australia, we took 2 taxis bc we couldn't fit in one so that's what we did. When we got to the house I was so surprised bc the house was a 2 story and it look new.

"What happen to "mom why why!" my sister mock

"Whatever" I mumbled, my father open the door and it was a big place.

"You and your sisters rooms are upstairs, and one of the rooms are smaller so--" my mom said

"FIRST ONE UPSTAIRS GETS THE BIGGER ROOM!!" I yelled and ran upstairs my sister was behind and I had won.

"Haha" I said

"No fun, I wanted the bigger bedroom" she said

"U have less stuff then be anyway so I get it." I said

"True" she said and went to her room, we both went downstairs to get our stuff and once we were done unpacking it really felt like home.

"Ugh I'm tired and hungry" I said sighing

"Me too, hey wanna go get some ice cream?" my sister ask

"Ok, Mom we are going to go get ice cream ok?" I ask and she said yes only if we drive safe. Of course we said yes, We close the front door and then a dog came barking to us. My sister scream, she started to run to the car.

"Awwww look sis it's a pitbull how cute." I said and he stop barking and started to play

"That thing is not a cutie it's a beast" my sister said and she got out of the car to see.

"HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO GET A BALL AND BACK?LIKE A WHOLE DAY?!" a boy yelled and came out he was cute.

"This must be your dog?" I ask

"Yeah thxs, but are you 2 move in here?" he ask

"Yeah" I said

"I'm Jordan" I said

"I'm Izabella" my sister said

"And I'm Beau" he said

"Well we should be going" my sister said

"Yeah, nice meeting you" I said and walk off.


We came back home and it was dark anyway so we went to bed, we had already ate so we weren't hungry. I got ready for bed and I was thinking, I had seen that boy before but idk where. Wait a minute wait a minute, OMG he was one of the Janoskians! I got out of my bed and ran to my sister room.

"Dude,wake up,wake up!" I whisper yelled and she still didn't wake up so I hit her with a pillow.

"What is it that u want?" my sister said

"Remember the boy next door??" I ask

"Oh yeah, he was so cute" she said she half asleep

"Yeah that to but that's not what I'm talking about, we have seen him before." I said

"No we didn't" she said so I finally gave up

"He is one of THE JANOSKIANS!" I whisper yelled again

"Oh yeah, lets talk about it in the morning" she said ad fell asleep

"Ugh night" I said and walked to my room and played on my phone


Ok guys so this is it! I hope y'all like it, Here is some things you can do:

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Byeee! <3

My life with the Janoskians (my verison)Where stories live. Discover now