33) Anymore

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Mike's POV

The bell rang and I was released from detention to go to 4th period, lunch. I met up with El and Dustin in the line to get our food. We sat down and ate with our friends. It was over way too soon.

I grabbed my books from my locker was and heading towards my English classroom. I stopped at my girlfriend's locker.
"Whatcha up to?" I smirked as I flirted with her.
"Oh ya know. Just daydreaming about kissing you. Too bad I'm your cousin, huh?"

"I don't think anyone would find us in the girls bathroom...you?"
"Hang on." She went into the bathroom across the hallway to check that is was empty. She came back out and smiled at me. Class was almost starting so the hallways were clearing out. I made sure no one was looking before slipping inside.

My hands were in her hair, looping around the soft curls. I was against a wall and she had one hand on my chest, the other around my neck. I began dropping my arm to go around her waist when my sleeve fell down.

I was hoping she wouldn't notice, but she did.
"What the hell is this? You promised. You said you would stop." She grabbed her backpack off the floor.

"El, wait. I'm sorry. It was when Hopper took you, I told you about it. I told you I broke the promise. You said it was okay." I'd told her, right? The day in her cabin. After she came back. She saw it while we were eating.

"How stupid do you think I am? Those aren't from when Hopper took me away. That was two weeks ago! These are fresh cuts. You broke the promise, again. That's twice now." She ran out of the bathroom and I followed her.

"Eleven, I'm sorry. I didn-" She cut me off with a slap across the face. I grasped my cheek. It burned excruciatingly.
"Oh, sorry. Did that hurt? I promise I'll never do it again." She slapped my other cheek, maybe even a little harder.

"Oops! Broke the promise! Oh well, apparently we don't keep those anymore. Since you're so obsessed with feeling pain, here's some more!" She punched me over and over. In my stomach, shoulders, arms, and she even hit me in the eye once. When she'd had enough, she ran into the bathroom crying.

I knew better than to go after her. I stumbled outside and rode my bike home.

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