25) Kali

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Eleven's POV

We went to see my sister. She was back in her original hideout. The cops had lost the scent and moved on to another city. They went back to their old ways...whatever works for ya.

I walked through the front door. Hopper was really nervous. I remembered the first time I came here. I was terrified. I called over to him and told him to calm down. These were my friends. Axel was walking down the stairs as we entered the main room.
"Shirley! So good to see you!" He walked over to me and I hugged him. Surprisingly I missed him. Hopper raised an eyebrow at me, and I explained how I knew Axel.

"Kali! Funshine! Dottie! Mitch! Get down here!" He yelled up the stairs and they started to come out of their individual rooms. I told Hop who each person was, and he nodding slowly, clearly overwhelmed.

"Hey little sis! What're you doing here?" Kali smiled at me and my whole body felt warm. I'd really missed her.
"We left town for a road trip and I wanted to come see you. This is Jim Hopper." Hopper coughed uncomfortably and waved.

Kali walked towards him and Dottie circled around him.
"You're El's policemen I'm assuming?" Kali sounded a bit too cold for my liking.
"Yes..uh..I guess. I'm her adoptive dad now."
"Well then, sir. Nice to meet you. I'm Kali." She held out her hand and he shook it.
"These are my friends." She motioned around the room and they all waved and said hello.

Kali and I went upstairs to catch up, and Hop hung out with Axel and Mitch. Funshine and Dottie started a game of poker, begging Mitch to join. We ate dinner together and had a great time. They seemed to like Hopper. I was glad.

I had really missed Kali. It was good to have her back.

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