9) No, Mike!

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Eleven's POV

I turned the knob on the walkie talkie until it made white noise. I concentrated really hard and Mike appeared.

He was in the basement. I couldn't tell if Nancy was there, I could only see him. But he was talking to someone. I walked closer. It was the guys.

He was sitting in my old blanket fort explaining to the party what had happened.
"Aww! Mileven's first kiss!" That was Dustin's voice. Mike told them about our kiss? I smiled to myself in spite of the situation.

Wait. First kiss? I guess they never did find out about the kiss that night after I went in the bathtub. We were kind of busy. Fighting the demogorgan is very time consuming.

I missed most of their conversation. Oops.
"..So it's like, Forbidden Mileven. That's cool man! Secret romance!" Dustin again. Mike said he had to go and ran upstairs into his bathroom.

What he did next left me speechless. I wish he could've heard me. I was screaming at him.

"No, Mike! Don't do it! Stop that!" There was no point. He wrapped it up and put on a long sleeve T-shirt. I have to admit, I blushed a little when he took his shirt off. Now I was glad he couldn't see me.

He went into Nancy's room and I pulled the blindfold off my face. I couldn't watch this anymore. Seeing Mike like that, it broke my heart. I grabbed my phone from the night stand and texted him. I had to be sure he was okay now.

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